Gerhard Richter: Recovery and Memory in Postwar Germany, Devin N. Garnick
SEATO Stumbles: The Failure of the NATO Model in the Third World, Louis T. Gentilucci
Language as the Foundation of Identity Among Sherpa Youth in Nepal, Joshua H. Ginder
Theravada Buddhism, Identity, and Cultural Continuity in Jinghong, Xishuangbanna, James H. Granderson
Sean, Shannon N. Gross
Modern Crypto-Analysis of Polyalphabetic Ciphers Using a Genetic Algorithm, Benjamin E. Heald
Biophily: Five Musical Episodes for the Revolutionary Educator, Edward J. Holmes
A Savage Journey to the Heart of Literary Freedom: Gonzo Journalism as a Vehicle for Social Criticism in the Literary Nonfiction of Hunter S. Thompson, Jeffrey J. Horvath
“Strength Shed by a New and Terrible Vision:” The Organic Evolution of the Blues and the Blues Aesthetic in Richard Wright’s 'Uncle Tom’s Children', Jeffrey J. Horvath
The Stakes of Spinoza’s Language: A Moderate Necessitarian Understanding of 'Ethics' and Spinoza’s Conception of Freedom as Both Positive and Negative Liberty, Jeffrey J. Horvath
Fauna Census of Intertidal Cliffs, Mangapwani, Zanzibar, Emily S. Jankowski
Investigating Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Through Critical Discourse Analysis, Amanda R. Kaste
The Bosnian Muslims and the Irish Perspective, Gabriel C. Kelly
Socioeconomic Differences in Antenatal Care between the United States and Scandinavia, Joshua B. Kiehl
Women and World War II at Gettysburg College, Keira B. Koch
The Environment and Civil War: Exploring the Relationship Between the Environmental Performance Index and Incidence of Internal Armed Conflict, Katerina N. Krohn
Johnnie To and the Auteur, Eric J. Lee
Determining the Effect of the Minimum Wage on Income Inequality, Benjamin S. Litwin
Flight from the Fight? Civil War and its Effects on Refugees, Paul D. Lowry
What's Below the Peak? Perceptions of Media from Those that Live Below the World's Most Famous Mountain, Jonah P. Lucas
Walking Together: Living Fearlessly, Loving Boldy, Anna M. Malone
They Survived the Conversion from 35mm to Digital, so Now What? The Future of America’s Small-Town Art House Theaters, Morgan H. Marianelli
Goddesses versus Gynecologists: An Analysis of the History of Women’s Healthcare, Marion A. McKenzie
Untitled, Alesha R. Miller
Untitled, Alesha R. Miller
Untitled, Alesha R. Miller
Broken Promises: The Case of Mothers of Srebrenica vs. The State of the Netherlands, Victoria E. Mohr
Business, Education, and Enjoyment: Stakeholder Interpretations of the Gettysburg Museum and Visitors Center, Ava M. Muhr
Equity in the Classroom, Robert L. Napoli
Two-Spirit Indigenous Americans: Fact not Fiction, Casey S. O'Higgins
The First World War Letters of H.J.C. Peirs, Hugh John Chevallier Peirs
Running Through Gender: Exploring the Effects of Hegemonic Masculinity and Femininity on Gettysburg Cross Country Athletes, Olivia D. Powell
The Semantics of Repression: Understanding the Continued Brutality towards LGBTQA Individuals in the Russian Federation, Joseph C. Recupero
He Was The Best of Kings; He Was the Worst of Kings: A Critique of the Literary Presentation of Richard I, Estelle Reed
Unlocking the Question, Kelly E. Reymann
Floral, Victoria J. Reynolds
Consensual Violence: A Cultural Contradiction, Lisa R. Rivoli
Liberation Through Domination: BDSM Culture and Submissive-Role Women, Lisa R. Rivoli
Making a Great Performance: A Step-by-Step Guide, Diego A. Rocha
The Trials of a New Teacher, Diego A. Rocha
Our Liberation and the Liberation of Our Images: Friedrich Schiller and the Politics of the Image, Peter W. Rosenberger
Notes from Mrs. Hadgu's Class: Conceptualizing Music Education Curriculum for a Changing World, Logan B. Santiago
Two Steps Forward and One Step Back: An Assessment of How Uneven Economic Development Affects the Number of Civil Wars, Cassandra M. Scheiber
Layers of Events, Anika H. Schneider
Layers of Events, Anika H. Schneider
Layers of Events, Anika H. Schneider
Layers of Events, Anika H. Schneider
Layers of Events, Anika H. Schneider
Missed Phone Calls, Ben S. Sherbacow
Assessing Reconstruction: Did the South Undergo Revolutionary Change?, Lauren H. Sobotka
Struggling towards Salvation: Narrative Structure in James Baldwin's Go Tell It on the Mountain, Darren Spirk
The "Unfinished Work:" The Civil War Centennial and the Civil Rights Movement, Megan A. Sutter
Education: A More Powerful Weapon Than War?, Maja K. Thomas
The Empath’s Travel Log, PamEla J. Thompson
Unread Letters to My Mother, Pamela J. Thompson
The Effect of Women in Government on Government Effectiveness, Abigail L. Tootell
Assessment of Coral Health and Fish diversity in the Fringing Reefs of Porvenir Island and Korbisky Island, Guna Yala, Panama, Emily E.M. Waddell
Youth Participatory Democracy and Political Choices: Views from eThekweni, Anthony L. Wagner
Hex, Joshua R. Wagner
Muslim Head Coverings, Raven C. Waters
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: The Complicated Identity of the Brussels International Festival of Fantastic Films, Mila H. Whiteley
Magnetic Island Marine Park Zones: Effects of Fishing Restrictions on Predatory Reef Fish Populations, Casey A. Wilson
Glassware with Flowers, Zoe C. Yeoh
In the Lab, Zoe C. Yeoh
Irish Landscape: Pinguicula grandiflora, Zoe C. Yeoh
Visualizing Shakespeare: Iconography and Interpretation in the Works of Salvador Dalí, Emily A. Zbehlik
Argentina's 2001 Default: Foreign Policy Considerations and Consequences, Joshua K. Alley
Self Seeing, Taylor L. Andrews
Capstone 2014 Art and Art History Senior Projects, Art and Art History Department
Wheels on the Bus: School Transportation as a Reflection of Sprawl, Autumn C.E. Arthur, Natasha M. Eulberg, and Kevin C. O'Malley
Facing the Apocalypse: Bomb Shelters and National Policy in Eisenhower’s Second Term, Angela A. Badore
Gender of a Nation: Propaganda in WWII and the Atomic Age, Angela A. Badore
Analysis of Automobile Advertisements in American Magazines, Asnika Bajracharya, Lukwesa K. Morin, and Kendall H. Radovich
Illuminating or Blinding? An Examination of Tocqueville’s Conceptions of Liberty and Equality, Andrew Bellis
Banished from the Present: Musicians in Nazi Germany, Thomas G. Bennett
Global Music Perspectives: Music Outside the Western Canon in Local Schools, Jane A. Best, John F. Grimsley, Alan C. Heise, Lauren M. Mascioli, Samantha F. Moroney, Lauren A. Satterfield, and Emily I. Zeller
The Perfect Pitch: Car Commercials in the Environment, Alyssa P. Beyer and Sara Moyer
Italy’s Refugee Burden and the Role of the EU in Asylum Cases, Sara R. Bias
So We Ran..., Sara R. Bias
With One's Own Arms: Condottieri, Machiavelli, and the Rise of the Florentine Militia, Michael N. Boncardo
Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?, Ryan A. Bonner
Musical and Linguistic Negotiations in a Cross-Cultural Music Learning Context, Alice C. Broadway
Wilderness, Kathryn E. Bucolo
When Write is Wrong, Elizabeth E. Butler
A Surgeon’s Duty, Andrew P. Carlino
The History of the Dance Cards of Gettysburg College, Jessica N. Casale
"Think Happy Thoughts": Peter Pan as a Tragic Hero, Sarah M. Connelly
Baltimore and the Cherry Hill Urban Garden: Tearing Down and Building Up the Physical and Imaginative Spaces of Post-Industrial Urban Food Systems, Rebecca L. Croog
The Ideal and the Real: Southern Plantation Women of the Civil War, Kelly H. Crosby
Winter Scenes of Denmark, Kelly H. Crosby
Winter Scenes of Denmark, Kelly H. Crosby
Winter Scenes of Denmark, Kelly H. Crosby
Human Disease - Unintended Globalization, Christopher J. Dellana
Dirty Recycling: Auto Salvage and Its Potential Impacts on Marginalized Populations, Ethan B. Dively, Nicholas C. Ferreri, and Cole D. Rossiter
The Ballerina, Natasha M. Dones
Dionysus Torn to Pieces: An Examination of The Sound and the Fury in Light of the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, Scott R. DuBree
All That Sprawl, Y’all: An Analysis of Development on Steinwehr Avenue and York Street in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, from 1971 to 2014, Elizabeth K. Emmons, Kalley S. Hansel, and Daly Simpson
Throwing the Switch: Eisenhower, Stevenson and the African-American Vote in the 1956 Election, Lincoln M. Fitch
Artemisia in the Metro, Emily A. Francisco