“To Save Succeeding Generations from the Scourge of War”: An Examination of United Nations Peace Keeping and Support Provided by External Actors, Jack H. Lashendock
Access to Mental Health Care for Depression among Latina Women in Adams County, Alison P. Lauro
Is Citizenship Still Relevant? State Sovereignty, Migration, and Sanctuary Cities in a Globalizing World, Melissa J. Lauro
Litter on Wheels: An Ocean Garbage Art Car, William J. LeConey and William H. Gibson
Attitudes Toward Contraception Among Fourth Wave College-Aged Women, Caroline L. Lewis
I Can Hardly Believe the Changes, Emma K. Lewis
Jane Eyre: The Bridge Between Christianity and Folklore, Teagan Lewis
Gettysburg College: A Diversity Story, Ivana Lopez-Espinosa
Tracking Public Support for Japan's Remilitarization Policies: An Examination of Elitist and Pluralist Governance, Cory S. Madison
Wealth in the Pre-Roman Western Mediterranean: Pontós, Alorda Park, and Lattara, Colleen M. Maher
Remembering Gettysburg: From Memorial to Stage, Gauri Mangala
Physician Assisted Dying as an Extension of Healing, Zoe I. Marinacci
Moving Beyond Gender Stereotypes: Reinterpreting Female Celtic Statues from Entremont, France, Kathleen A. McGurty
NCAA FBI Probe, Candace N. Means
The Nurturing Nature of Nature, Katie F. Mercer
Skin Lightening, Bleaching, Whiting Phenomenon, Tamiyah P. Miller
Helen Oyeyemi and Border Identities: Contesting Western Representations of Immigrants through Transnational Literature, Susanna L. Mills
Oh, Lilah, R. A. Montross
Black Gold in a Changing World: An Examination of Saudi Arabia’s Dependence on Oil and the Possibility of a Solar Energy Transition, Sofia E. Mouritsen
Black Feminism: Dismantling Tropes and Embracing Sisterhood, Elaine Negron
The Effects of Coworker Relationships, Involvement, and Supportiveness on Job Satisfaction and Performance, Stephen F. Occhipinti, Nicholas M. Rollo, and Eric J. Klimowicz
Hide and Seek, Natalie M. Orga
College Students’ Personality Traits in Relation to Career Readiness, Shelby R. Overacker, Carly E. Kalis, and Francesca Coppola
G-Bikes: Gettysburg Bike Share, Matthew G. Palacio and Jeffrey J. Walters
Reggaeton and Female Narratives, Melanie P. Pangol
How Do We Fit In?, Augusta Pendergast
The Shrinking Center: When Are Centrists More Effective Lawmakers?, Benjamin Pontz
The Damaging Effects of Intersectionality and Layers of Oppression on United States Female Soccer Players, Brooke L. Priddy
Institutions Compromising Academics for Athletic and Economic Reward, Sarah M. Pryor
Millennials and the Increasing Use of Social Media: Impact on the Employee Life Cycle, Sarah M. Pryor
Profound Impacts and Benefits of Near-Death Experiences, Abigail D. Reitz
Impact of Home Field Advantage: Analyzed Across Three Professional Sports, Michael S. Risser, Blake R. Gray, and Ryan A. Kelly
The Benefits of Past-Life Regression and Reincarnation, Taylor-Jo Russo
For Mother, Virginia R. Sanford
Friend or Foe: Perceptions of China in Africa, Shahn M. Savino
At the Edge of Monstrosity: Melville, Shelley, and Crane’s Monsters in 19th-Century Literature, Jenna M. Seyer
Nature and Nomads: Service Approach to Mongolia Tours, Jesse E. Shircliff
Verschiedene Deutungen des gleichen Krieg: Wie Jünger und Remarque den Zweck ihrer Grabenerfahrungen ausgraben, Olivia R. Simmet
Fusing Both Arts to an Inseparable Unity: Frank O'Hara as a Visual Artist, Daniella M. Snyder
Cross-Dressing in Taiwanese Dramas: A Reinforcement of Heteronormativity, Jelana E. Szymanski
What is Colorism?, Teal L. Tasker
The Psychological Importance of Forensic Identification to Families of Victims of Human Rights Violations, Emma S. Thoms
Elegy to My Eyes, Grace E. Timko
Jack Peirs, Third Ypres, and Control, Jonathan Tracey
The Virginia Monument’s Meaning in Memory, Jonathan Tracey
Ode to being In-Between, Corey S. Ullman
Pediatric Cancers: Development and Treatment Methods, MaKayla M. Walker
Underrepresentation of Women in Sports Leadership: Stereotypes, Discrimination, and Race, Keyleigh N. Wallick
Carrying Loss, Hallie S. Wilk
Grief and its Implications in Childhood and Adolescence, Electa C. Willander
Vietnam: A War with Two Fronts, Justin D. Winkel
“Aurelie Werner”: Intersections Between Hysteria and the Jewish Woman’s Assessment of Jewishness in the late 19th Century, Claire H. Woodward
Abstract Collage, Tayvon E. Wright
Gender Quotas and Women’s Political Participation in Slovenia and Croatia: When Similar Historical Developments and Homogeneity of Design Yield Different Outcomes, Colin J. J. Yandam
A Tradition of Bells: Glatfelter Bell and Hall, Shannon R. Zeltmann
"A Delirious Welcome to Anyone in Uniform:" The GI Experience in Paris, July - September 1944, Bridget E. Ashton
Do You Hear Me?, Lori A. Atinizian
Streaming media available
Winning the Game: Muslim Women and Sport, Claire F. Benstead
Your Valentine, Mary Margaret A. Blum
What All Americans Should Know About Islamic Feminism, Caroline M. Bosworth
The Economics of Refugees: How Refugees Influence the Economies of Spain and England, Mary K. Bovard
Harry Potter and the Meaning of Death, Harrison D. Brown
Green in Your Wallet or a Green Planet: Views on Government Spending and Climate Change, Lincoln M. Butcher
"My Brigade suffered severely & behaved well" - Longstreet’s Attack of July 2nd and its Greater Memory, Jesse R. Campana
Why Does Sweden Have Higher Levels of Voter Turnout Than Finland?, Hannah M. Christensen
The Mask Strikes Back: Blackness as Aporia in Moby-Dick and Benito Cereno, Jerome D. Clarke
Female Madness in Greek Tradition and Medicine, Caitlin T. Connelly
Longstreet’s Attack from Seminary Ridge to the Rose Woods, Caitlin T. Connelly
Fruit and Vegetable Bucks: Adams County Grocery Store Snap Incentive Program, Meredith A. Cox, Amy B. Dailey, Kim Davidson, Kathy Gaskin, Etta Saltos, Audrey Hess, Megan Shreve, Cherry Arvin, and Elizabeth Weller
Exploring the Notion of Forgetting, Nora H. Coyne
The Centennial of the Great War, Thomas J. Crafa
Levels of Media Consumption and Muslim Intolerance, Kathryn E. Cushman
The Revolving Door of Education: Teacher Turnover and Retention amongst the Graduates of a Liberal Arts Teacher Education Program, Gregory W. Dachille and Chloe Ruff
"We control it on our end, and now it's up to you" -- Exploitation, Empowerment, and Ethical Portrayals of the Pornography Industry, Julie E. Davin
Getting that Sinking Feeling: Analysis and Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Three National Parks along the East Coast, USA, Julia K. Deros, Amanda L. Thibault, and Amy B. true
Bisous, Elay E. Echavarria
Paper Wall: The Law as a Tool of Social Division for Courtroom Officials, Aiden J. Egglin
Factors Influencing the Evolution of Chinese Disaster Relief Efforts, Lucas W. Gaylor
International Black-Market Organ Trade, Marni E. Granzow
Support and Care for the Mental Health of Collegiate Athletes, Brynn C. Griffith
Visual Culture Analysis of "The Last Ditch of the Chivalry, or a President in Petticoats", Sarah A. Hansen
Visual Culture Project: Confederate War Etchings: Searching for Arms by Adalbert Johann Volck, Lynn B. Hatcher
Schisms: The Inherent Dangers of Religious Variance Within a Single Faith – An Analysis of Intra-State Conflict in the Modern World, Benjamin E. Hazen
Guilt, Shame, and the Family Narrative: The Communicative Memory from Families of Nazi Perpetrators and its Impact on the Social Collective, Megan E. Heyer
Towards a More Inclusive Music Education: Experiences of LGBTQQIAA Students in Music Teacher Education Programs Across Pennsylvania, Edward J. Holmes and Brent C. Talbot
Untitled, Yirui Jia
Untitled, Yirui Jia
Seismic Waves, Aubrey L. Kamppila
A Moment in History Relevant to the Modern Era, Brandon R. Katzung Hokanson
Saving Grace on Feathered Wings: Homing Pigeons in the First World War, Brandon R. Katzung Hokanson
The Poetry of Christina Rossetti and Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Same Femme, Different Fate, Carolyn A. Kirsch
Interpreting a Commemorative Landscape: The Eleventh Corps and Cemetery Hill, Bradley J. Klustner
Through the Eyes of a Child: The Portrayal of South Africa’s Apartheid in Children’s Cinema, Keira B. Koch
Rhapsody in Red, White and Blue: The Co-Evolution of Popular and Art Music in the United States during World War II, Douglas A. Kowalewski
Miedo y Multilateralismo: Chile y México en el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas antes de la invasión de Irak de 2003, Amanda K. Krehbiel
Religion and the State: The Influence of the Tokugawa on Religious Life, Thought, and Institutions, Savannah A. Labbe
Current Perspectives on Inclusive Education in the Czech Republic, Moncia B. Langer
Right to Serve, Right to Lead: Lives and Legacies of the USCT, Matthew D. LaRoche, Hannah M. Christensen, Alexandria J. Andrioli, Jennifer A. Simone, Savannah G. Rose, Jonathan G. Danchik, Laurel J. Wilson, Jonathan E. Tracey, Danielle E. Jones, Ryan D. Bilger, and Savannah A. Labbe
Enlightenment, Latin America, Age of Revolutions, Spanish America, Brazil, Katherine A. Lentz
Stories in the Streets: An Interactive Tour of Gettysburg, Emma K. Lewis