From the Ashes of Glory: The Rise and Fall of Jackson Ward, Jeffrey L. Lauck
フィラデルフィア市, Elvis Lau
The Evolving Depictions of Women in Films about the Holocaust (Die sich entwickelnden Darstellungen von Frauen in visuellen Texten zum Holocaust), Alexandra J. LeClaire
The Roma and Sinti in Germany: Orientalism and Exclusion from German Historical Narratives (Romantisiert, Kriminalisiert, und Abgewertet: Orientalismus und Narrative der Roma und Sinti in Deutschland), Kimberly A. Longfellow
Theatre as Therapy: The Penguin Project, Emily W. Lunardi
Unmasking Penn Face: Measuring the Phenomenon and Its Relationship to Other Personality Constructs, Meagan A. Lupolt
One King to Rule Them All, Tyler J. Mann
A Classroom's Evolution, Brooke E. Maskin
The Peacock Effect: The Influence of the Opposite Sex on Aggressive Behavior, Kira J. Mason
Global Leaders of Gettysburg College: Wollongong, Australia, Kaitlin R. McGowan
Civilize Them with Indian Boarding Schools, Kelsey C. Meisch
The Proximity-Based Effect of Terrorism on Countries' Economies, Sofia E. Mouritsen
A Gettysburg Snapshot: N. Stratton Street in 1943, Andrew C. Nosti
"We are Americans, too:" Interracial Relations in Detroit's Postwar Auto Industry, Andrew C. Nosti
Stories Remembered, Stories Told: Women of Gettysburg College from 1965-1975, Christina M. Noto
Turning Points: Women at Gettysburg College from 1965-1975, Christina M. Noto
Education for Victory: An Analysis of Social Studies Education in American Secondary Schools during World War II, Rachael E. O'Dell
Carbon, Cookstoves, and Kitchens: Case Studies of Fuelwood Use and the Potential for Ethanol Substitutability in Rural India, Vietnam, and Tanzania, Monica V. Ogra, Alyssa L. Bosold, Jessie M. Pierce, and Quinn M. Heist
The Die Hards, Casey S. O'Higgins
The Feminization of HIV/AIDS in Yunnan, China, Leah C. Pinckney
Racing to War: Arms Competitions, Military Spending, and the Tendency of Nations to Engage in Armed Conflict, Thomas S. Potter
Foraging Time and Food Resource use of Geoffroy’s Tamarin (Saguinus geoffroyi) in an Urban Forest Landscape, Parque Natural Metropolitano, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá, Rachael M. Pruitt
Selected Nick Adams Stories: Ernest Hemingway’s Sense of Place, Brendan M. Raleigh
Karma, Jhanvi C. Ramaiya
The Price on Our Practices: Motivation and Cultural Commodification in the Mongolian Tourism Industry, Joseph C. Recupero
Cómo Obama ganó el 2012: Un análisis del voto latino (How Obama Won in 2012: Analyzing the Latino Vote), Ellen B. Rickes
Niki de Saint Phalle: The Female Figure and Her Ambiguous Place in Art History, Lucy Kay Riley
How History Shaped Women's Healthcare, Josephine M. Rivera
Balance in Tristram Shandy: Laurence Sterne through Friedrich Schiller’s Eyes, Peter W. Rosenberger
Dendron, A Collection of Poems, Peter W. Rosenberger
Stigmatized Words: A Defense of Political Correctness, Peter W. Rosenberger
The Ones Who Walk Away From the Ocean, Katia D. Rubinstein
Attacking Multiple Fronts: The Tuskegee Airmen as Pioneers of Military Integration, Kaylyn L. Sawyer
The Effects of Gender and Self Construal on Perception of Racism, Lauren S. Schapiro, Anne M. Schoenfeld, and William C. Thomas
Mussolini's Gladius: The Double-Edged Sword of Antiquity in Fascist Italy, Kyle W. Schrader
Labor Market Challenges in Europe With Respect to the Migrant Crisis, Thomas M. Segerstrom
Opal and the Rats, Ryan W. Selfridge
Streaming media available
The Interaction Between Perfectionism and Rumination Predicting State Self-compassion, Caitlin A. Sharp
The Lonely Witch, Emma S. Shaw
The Lonely Witch, Emma S. Shaw
The Lonely Witch, Emma S. Shaw
The Lonely Witch, Emma S. Shaw
The Subversion of Traditional Gender Roles in Thomas Hardy’s 'The Mayor of Casterbridge', Emma S. Shaw
I Didn't Tell Anyone, Inayah D. Sherry
A Coercive Courtship: German Awareness of and Responses to the Sudeten Germans, 1929-1934, Jesse E. Siegel
Maps as Art: Using Digital Media to Bring Art & Cartography to Life, Daniella M. Snyder
Cup of Noodles and Perforated Mesh Grate, Eleanor E. Soule
Faberge Egg, Eleanor E. Soule
Laundry Basket, Eleanor E. Soule
A Lady's Tour of Europe, Narrated Through Letters Home (1862-1868), Mikki L. Stacey
In Search of Health, Freedom & Identity: An Analysis of Isabella Bird's and Margaret Fountaine's Renovation of Self through Travel & Travel Writing, Mikki L. Stacey
Analyzing Media Representations of Male Rape and Debunking Myths on 'Law and Order Special Victims Unit', Ryan J. Stephens
The Thirteen Wives of Henry the Ogre, Ryan J. Stephens
Streaming media available
Home Front to War Front: The Navy Nurse Corps During World War II, Amanda L. Thibault
Robin Hood: There Will Be Tights (A Medieval Drama Production), Meredith R. Tombs, Alessandra L. DeMartino, Ben S. Sherbacow, Margaret R. Connolly, Peter K. Schwerin, Nicholas B. Cesare, Colin A. Scotch, Megan L. DelRossi, Lindsay A. Maier, Nicholas O'Kane, Isabella Rosedietcher, Craig A. Lindsley, Daniella M. Snyder, Erin M. Meachem, Nicole H. Petrocchi, Eva Karkuff, Jake A. Farias, Alexandra C. Calder, John X. Borde, Palmer A. Calogrias, Nicholas B. Papoutsis, Helen P. Alev, Blaney M. Rotanz, Anika N. Jensen, and Christopher R. Fee
More Than a 'Mere Painted Scene': The Role of Theatricality and the Carnivalesque in 'The Mayor of Casterbridge', Christine R. Vahaly
Your Friend and Classmate: Following the West Point Class of June 1861 Through the American Civil War, Julia C. Wall
This is Why We Fight: Student Activism at Gettysburg College, Lauren E. White
The Feasibility of Using Drones to Count Songbirds, Andrew M. Wilson, Janine M. Barr, and Megan E. Zagorski
LOF1 and Interacting Transcription Factors in Plant Development and Crop Yield, Zoe Yeoh, Elizabeth Luscher, and Patricia Springer
Long Live the King? A GIS Analysis of Climate Change’s Impact on the Future Wintering Range and Economy of the Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) in Mexico, Megan E. Zagorski
The Kakawin Sutasoma: A Look at ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’ & Perceptions of the Text’s Religious Implications, Anoush H. Aghababian
The American National Exhibition and Kitchen Debates: How the World's Superpowers Portrayed the Events of the Summer of 1959 to Meet National Needs, Kevin D. Bardin
A Feasibility Study of Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Survey Avian Abundance by Using Audio Recording, Janine M. Barr and Andrew M. Wilson
Spatial and Temporal Relationships Between Forest Bird Declines and Prevalence of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Northeastern United States, Julie E. Blum and Andrew M. Wilson
The Lives of Soldiers in World War II, Caroline M. Bosworth
Mia's Music, Miranda L. Bubenheim
Beyond Rodin: Revisiting the Legacy of Camille Claudel, Shannon R. Callahan
Life Goes On, Shannon R. Callahan
Family Tree, Ashlie M. Cantele
“Welcome to the FEMINIST CULT”: Building a Feminist Community of Practice on Tumblr, Sarah M. Connelly
Provence, Caroline G. Cress
Provence, Caroline G. Cress
Provence, Caroline G. Cress
Provence, Caroline G. Cress
Provence, Caroline G. Cress
Provence, Caroline G. Cress
Aarhus II, Kelly H. Crosby
Tivoli, Kelly H. Crosby
Vesterport, Kelly H. Crosby
Healthy Options: A Community-Based Program to Address Food Insecurity, Amy B. Dailey, Audrey Hess, Camille Horton, Emily Constantian, Salma Monani, Betsy Wargo, Kim Davidson, and Kathy Gaskin
Oral History: William Iannello, Andrew I. Dalton
Slavery and the Civil War: The Reflections of a Yankee Intern in Appomattox, Jonathan G. Danchik
Letters to Mr. Carter, Jasmin S. Eddy
Ulaanbaatar’s Ger District Issues: Changes and Attitudes, David G. Engel
Dostoevsky’s Ideal Man, Paul A. Eppler
Women's Social Rights: Untapped Economic Potential, Monae S. Evans
Il fenomeno dell’apolide, Megan A. Fenrich
Cascade of Petals, Mary M. Ferrara
Crushed Bronze, Mary M. Ferrara
Tidal Wave, Mary M. Ferrara
Turquoise Flower, Mary M. Ferrara
Waterfall, Mary M. Ferrara
Oral History: Kathleen Iannello, Abigail M. Finan
Isolation & Characterization of Bacteria in the Built Environment: Measuring The Effect of Pharmaceuticals on Growth, Amanda V. Finck, Kelly J. DiGeronimo, Nene S. Sy, and Zakiya Whatley
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Past and Present Conflict for Scottish Independence, Avery N. Fox
Dissecting Dialogue: The Value of Music Education in ESL/ELL Programs, Kyle R. Furlong
Timeline of Embellishments, Kira Gabriel
Indigenous Institutional Inclusion, Kristy L. Garcia