Singing With Griots in Dakar: How Traditional Vocal Music has Traversed the Ethnicities, Languages, and Generations of Senegal, Bridget Anne Creedon
Chains, Marina K. Crouse
Dandelion Game, Marina K. Crouse
Judy Chicago: The Birth Project, Francesca S. DeBiaso
Abuelito, Margarita C. Delgado
‘An Isle Full of Noises’: The Perception & Influence of Sound in Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Paul A. Di Salvo
The Status of a PA Endangered Bird- the Upland Sandpiper, Paul A. Di Salvo, Kalley S. Hansel, Jessica L. Zupancic, and Andrew M. Wilson
Cultured, Cara L. Dochat
Special Education: A Comparison Between Special Education in Bali and in America, Jacey Ann Dold
“hariyo ban Nepalko dhan” (“Nepal’s Wealth is the Green Forest”): The People’s Participation in Structuring Sustainable Development through Community Forestry, Natasha M. Eulberg
William Hodges and Thomas Daniell: Picturesque Representations of “Hindoostan”, Nathaniel H. Fitch
The Problem of Spite, David M. Florey
Andy Warhol: Polaroids & Portraits, Emily A. Francisco
Lessons in Tourism, Emily A. Francisco
Everything, Hannah M. Frantz
Gardens in the Air: A Reexamination of the Ottoman Tulip Age, Rachel R. Fry
Just Because You're Offended Doesn't Mean You're In The Right: A Perspective on Language, Comedy, and Ethics, James H. Garrett
1 1/2 Years in Death Valley, Louis T. Gentilucci
Love You Much, Kathryn M. Gittings
The View from the Front, Kathryn M. Gittings
She's A Brick House: August Wilson and the Stereotypes of Black Womanhood, Amelia Tatum Grabowski
Reading "Between the Lines", Sarah Hansen
I, the Queen: Power and Gender in the Reign of Isabel I of Castile, Sarah E. Hayes
Compulse, Candise W. Henson
Carruthers and Constitutive Self-Knowledge, John C. Hill
What We Find in the Sea, David E. King
Jeff Davis, a Sour Apple Tree, and Treason: A Case Study of Fear in the Post-Civil War Era, Brianna E. Kirk
Hold the Cracks, Chandra R. Kirkland
Mountain Men, James O. Lincoln
Precious Knowledge, Stephen Lin
Arizona, Edward M. Lisovicz
Loki and Sigyn, Edward M. Lisovicz
Flannel Shirts & Bare Feet, Ashley G. Logan
New York Times v. U.S.: Implications and Relevance in the 21st Century, Maria E. Lombardi
Just Another Girl, Julia D. Marshella
Elle doit s’épanouir: The Women’s Entrepreneurial Program and Women’s Empowerment in Dschang, Melanie M. Meisenheimer
How Bebop Came to Be: The Early History of Modern Jazz, Colin M. Messinger
“An Imperialism of the Imagination”: Muslim Characters and Western Authors in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Robin K. Miller
Fluid Borders, Concrete Locations: Epicenters of Cross-Cultural Interaction in the Eighteenth Century Borderland of the Great Lakes, John W. Nelson
Livelihood Security Among Refugees in Uganda: Opportunities, Obstacles, and Physical Security Implications, Karen J. Norris
Latin-America, Mauricio E. Novoa
A Temple of Pleasure, A Temple of Art: The Structural and Social Veneers of Opulence in Charles Garnier's Paris Opéra, Sarah W. Parker
Lessons Learned From Pakistan: A Dissertation on the Bush-Obama Drone Doctrine, Michael A. Pipa
Red Rose, Sara Lauren Purifoy
The Minimum Wage, Decent Wages, and Time Sovereignty in the European Union, Kathleen A. Ragon
Ode to the Eye, Sophia K. Reid
'Dred Scott v. Sandford' Analysis, Sarah E. Roessler
What Makes a Monster and What Makes a Man? Exploring the Relationship between the Creator and the Creation in Three Gothic Novels, Veronica B. Rosenberger
Swinging Around Stigma: Gendered Marketing of Swingers’ Websites, Allison T. Serina, Molly Hall, Desirée Ciambrone, and VoonChin Phua
I am a Yakhchal, Scott M. Shafer
Where Have All the Symbols Gone?: A Study of Sufis and Sufi Symbolism in Ottoman Miniature Paintings, Jesse E. Siegel
The Deletion of the Bre1 Gene in Aspergillus nidulans Impairs Mitotic Growth, Meiosis, and DNA Damage Repair, Andrea J. Sitton and Steven W. James
Cold and Calculating, Kathryn E. Slezak
Making IL Relevant: Inspiring Student Engagement through Faculty-Librarian Collaboration, Meggan D. Smith, Amy B. Dailey, Kayla M. Lenkner, and Kelly Ruffini
Streaming media available
Assessing the Research Process Improves the Product: Results of a Faculty-Librarian Collaboration, Divonna M. Stebick, Janelle L. Wertzberger, Margaret E. Flora, and Joseph W. Miller
Shieldmaiden, Allison A. Taylor
Fracturing Jazz, Freeing Fusion: Miles Davis’s Role in Counterculture Rock, Blake A. Thatcher
Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Structuring Between Colonies of the World’s Smallest Penguin (Eudyptula minor) in New South Wales, Australia, Melissa R. Tighe
Challenges Affecting Street Children in Post-Conflict Northern Uganda: Case of Gulu Municipality, Anne E. Weber
Pinning the Daffodil and Singing Proudly: An American's Search for Modern Meaning in Ancestral Ties, Elizabeth C. Williams
Relaciones de Coalición y gestión: ¿Que Pasó a la Concertación?, Samuel R. Wonderling
Environmental Justice: Where are the Fracking Sites?, Elizabeth Adams
Rebuilding the "Special Relationship:" Ambassador Sir Harold Caccia and the Reconstruction of Relations between the United States and the United Kingdom, Elizabeth D. Amrhein
Pathogen Response Genes Mediate Caenorhabditis elegans Innate Immunity, Hannah L. Anthony
The Reproductive Rights Movement: 1914-Present, Angela A. Badore
Perspectives of Czech Youth Activists: Political Culture & the Cycle of Passivity, Alexsandra C. Bargiacchi
Emerson or Hawthorne?, Lauren M. Bly
Challenging The “Man” In Mangroves: The Missing Role Of Women In Mangrove Conservation, Alyssa L. Bosold
The VACB Model in Hòa An Village and Xeo Trâm Hamlet: Comparison and Analysis through a Gendered Lens, Alyssa L. Bosold
No Man’s Land, Kelsey C. Boyce
Off the Edge of the Map: The Search for Portuguese Influence on the Piri Reis Map of 1513, Robert S. Bridges
Sonnet 29, Matthew Carlson
Fish or Cut Bait? Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Creation of the St. Lawrence Seaway, Austin W. Clark
Prometheus's Role of the Poet, Sarah M. Connelly
Descubriendo el Otro Lado de mi Ración Diaria de Quinua: El caso de Coqueza, Rebecca L. Croog
Judy Chicago: Visions for Feminist Art, Francesca DeBiaso
Variations on a Russian Folk Song, Brian R. Denu
Farmers Markets and the Local Food System: The Case of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Paul A. Di Salvo, Claire Quinn, Robin Arnold, Caroline Clark, Suzanne Englot, Andrew Mello, Julia P. Mitchell, Emily Ruhl, Rebecca Taormina, Cashin Conover, Valerie Leone, Michael Mattaini, William Patton, Elizabeth Rouillard, Nicholas Smith-Herman, Jordan Swenson, Kelly Webster, Brian Wooldredge, and Randall K. Wilson
Visualizing War, Andrew Egbert
Civil War and Globalization: The Effect of Colonialism on Political Globalization, Luke O. Feltz
Political Globalization and Civil War in Former British Colonies, Luke O. Feltz
“To Say Nothing”: Variations on the Theme of Silence in Selected Works by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sandra Cisneros, and María Luisa Bombal, Hannah M. Frantz
My Mark Twain: Old Man River, Amelia Tatum Grabowski
The Brave New World of One-Dimensional Man: A Reappraisal of Aldous Huxley and Herbert Marcuse, Joshua R. Granberry
A Diachronic Analysis of Schwa in French, Joshua M. Griffiths
Up In Smoke: The Place of the Modern American Cigarette, Hannah B. Grose
Who Else Would Plant The Trees? A Status Update on the Pemba Flying Fox, Hannah B. Grose and Catherine G. Clemmens
James R. Killian, Jr., Sputnik, and Eisenhower: White House Science Advice and the Reformation of American Science Education, 1955-1958, Dallas A. Grubbs
Always, Candise W. Henson
Clarity, Candise W. Henson
Jane Austen and Genre: Mansfield Park, Northanger Abbey, and the Triumph of the Realistic Novel, Megan E. Hilands
The Staffing of Presidential Assistants: Their Effects on Presidential Success in the House of Representatives, Nicholas R. Jesteadt
Gloria, Abigail L. Kempson
Los Comedores Sociales de España: Cómo Funciona los Comedores Sociales en España, y cómo han Cambiado por la Crisis, Chandra R. Kirkland
Joshua and Dulcinea: A Conflict Between Country and Family, Timothy H. Koenig
The Rise of American Industrial and Financial Corporations, Elizabeth A. Laughlin
Behind the Seams: An Ethnographic Study of the Performative Nature of Theatrical Costumes, Emily M. Lindholm
Special Obligations: The Structural Risks of Friendship, Anna B. Myavec
Approximating Optimal Dudo Play with Fixed-Strategy Iteration Counterfactual Regret Minimization, Todd W. Neller and Steven C. Hnath