The Letters of Stewart Winfield Herman Jr. An American Pastor in Berlin, 1936-1941, Lucy A. Marks
Climate Change and Migration: The Intersection of Climate Change, Migration, and Gender through Policy, Bridget E. McCallum
The Legend of the Wehrmacht’s “Clean Hands”: The Attempt to Remove Nazism from the German Military, Kenneth R. McCracken
Horror Fiction, Aljoša Mršović
Bringing Stories to Life by Sharing Archival Material, Christina M. Noto
The Boys Are Marching: A Digital Analysis of Civil War Sheet Music, Christina M. Noto
¿Qué pasa con Cuba ahora?: La economía actual y sus proyecciones para el futuro, Erica L. Nye
"Avenging Furies": The Memoirs of American Women in the Philippines during the Second World War, Meghan E. O'Donnell
Women and Peace: Female Political Empowerment & the Prevention of Civil Violence, Piper D. O'Keefe
La teología poética de los real visceralistas, Angela G. Pegarella
Strategies for Environmental Education for Youths and Adults, Chumbe Island Coral Park, Zanzibar, Samantha B. Pfeffer
Dupuytren's Disease, Leah C. Pinckney
Human Migration and Health: A Case Study of the Chinese Rural-to-Urban Migrant Population, Leah C. Pinckney
A Gettysburg "Streetscape," North Washington Street in 1925, Zachary C. Polley and Andrew I. Dalton
The Great War Then and Now: Reflections on America’s Declaration of War, Thomas S. Potter
Changes in the Breeding Range of the Broad-Winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus) due to Habitat Fragmentation in the Northern Appalachian Region, Rachael M. Pruitt
Béchamel, Jhanvi C. Ramaiya
Claiming the Indomitable Wave: Masculinities, Sexualities, and the Realm of Surfing in Costa Rica, Joseph C. Recupero
Kendrick Lamar and Hip-Hop as a Medium for Social Change, Diego A. Rocha
Knowing How: A Computational Approach, Joseph A. Roman
Health and Sickness: An Examination of the Question of the Affirmation or Negation of Life in the Face of Suffering, Frank M. Scavelli
What About Susan? Gender in Narnia, Emma G. Schilling
Neurasthenia, Robert Graves, and Poetic Therapy in the Great War, Juliette E. Sebock
The Possibility of an Afterlife as Examined Through Near-Death Experiences, Anastasia N. Semenov
Thy Will Be Done, Inayah D. Sherry
Global Warming: Why is There Debate?, Mackenzie E. Smith
The World War II Letters of Richard Schade, Ashley N. Sonntag
Investigating the Magnitude and Range of the Urban Heat Island within Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Samuel S. Thompson and Rachel A. Wilkins
You Take My Breath Away, Taylor L. Tims
The Necessary Right of Choice for Physician-Assisted Suicide, Kerry E. Ullman
Digital Diplomacy and Its Effect on International Relations, Bridget S. Verrekia
The Role of Adult Fiddler Crab Environmental Acoustic Cues and Chemical Cues in Stimulating Molting of Field-Caught Megalopae, Emily E. Waddell, Wendy Dow Piniak, Kathleen A. Reinsel, and James M. Welch
‘Community of Schools’: A Case Study of Development, Participation and Integration in Cato Manor Township, South Africa, Anthony L. Wagner
Ted Kaczynski: Evil or Insane?, Drew C. Warren
Artemis: Depictions of Form and Femininity in Sculpture, Laura G. Waters
Captive Body, Free Mind: Euphrosinia Kersnovskaia, the Gulag, and Art Under Oppression, Laura G. Waters
Experience, Emotion, and Emoting: Jack Peirs and the Aftermath of Loos, Laura G. Waters
Paintings of War, Museums of Memory, Laura G. Waters
Between Secular and Sacred: The Trade Windows' Depictions of Food in Chartres Cathedral, Zachary A. Wesley
Interpreting a Commemorative Landscape: Culp's Hill and Spangler's Spring, Zachary A. Wesley
The Great Misread: Life and Death in Islam and Its Relation to the West, John M. Zak
A Bite of Technology – How Technologies Have Made Our Food “Transformers", Huanjia Zhang
Twelve Views of Mt. Fuji, Anoush H. Aghababian
Capstone 2016 Art and Art History Senior Projects, Art and Art History Department
The Runaway, Kristen M. Baker
Streaming media available
Uproar on Campus: Student Protests in the Vietnam War Era, Taylor N. Beck, Wesley J. Craft, Jonathan G. Danchik, Julia K. Deros, Melanie L. Fernandes, Madeleine L. Gaiser, Lynn B. Hatcher, Danielle E. Jones, Jeffrey L. Lauck, Kevin P. Lavery, Abigail E. Metheny, Samantha K. Misurell, Maxine Peskens, Brendan M. Raleigh, Savannah G. Rose, Kaylyn L. Sawyer, Justin E. Shapiro, Julia E. Sippel, Elizabeth A. Smith, Chris J. Sniezek, Meredith D. Staats, Meg A. Sutter, Jill Ogline Titus, and Megan E. McNish
Boleto y Entrada: A Roundtrip Ticket to a Year Abroad, Elizabeth M. Belair
Rhetoric vs Reality: Public Opinion on Immigration in the United States, Elizabeth M. Belair
The Construction of Touristic Modernity in Xizhou, Katherine E. Benton
The Effect of Historical Narratives and Flag Type, Maher A.R. Bigley, Alexandra E. Casella, Marike S. Sevigny-Morrissey, and Amy E. Violante
The Parallelization and Optimization of the N-Body Problem using OpenMP and OpenMPI, Nicholas J. Carugati
La Influencia del Mercado en la Crianza de Alpacas en las Comunidades Alto Andinas de Pucará, Jessica Casale
Envisioning a Future for Ethiopian Small Farmer Involvement in Development and Food Security, William H. Cauffman
History of Key Events in Women’s Health Care, Zoё M. Chambliss
Black Praxis: The Trace of Jamesian Pragmatism in DuBoisian Scholar Activism, Jerome D. Clarke
Poetic Witness in a Networked Age, Jerome D. Clarke
History, Historical Fiction, and Historical Myth: 'The German Doctor' by Lucía Puenzo, Nathan W. Cody
The Berlin Olympics: Sports, Anti-Semitism, and Propaganda in Nazi Germany, Nathan W. Cody
Fracking in Pennsylvania: A Spatial Analysis of Impacts on Land Cover and Land Use, the Viewshed, and the Audioshed, Kelly A. Collins
The Disappearance of the HMS Umbra, Francesca M. Costa
Foraging Behavior of Tetramorium Caespitum in an Urban Environment: the Effect of Food Quality on Foraging, Nicole A. Crofton, Sabrina R. D'Mello, and Nene S. Sy
A Different Way of Touring Europe, Abigail M. Currier
An Early Black Cemetery on York Street, Andrew I. Dalton
Gettysburg College Through Time, Andrew I. Dalton
Playing Bebop: Culture and Bebop’s Reciprocal Influence, Audra M. DeBoy
Music and the Mind, Amanda K. Densmoor
Similar Experiences, Unique Perspectives: How Japanese American Experiences Influenced Their Participation During World War II, Julia K. Deros
Ephemeral: An Original Play, Kierstan N. DeVoe
From Gettysburg to Townsville, Australia and Back, Caroline A. Ehrhardt
Landed in America, Vera I. Ekhator
Vanessa’s Three Wishes, Jacqueline B. Engel
Streaming media available
The Clever Girl and the Seven Ravens, Melanie L. Fernandes
Streaming media available
“One Feeling in Such a Solitude”: Representations of Love and Marriage in the Works of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley and Percy Bysshe Shelley, Jenna E. Fleming
An Education Carol, Benjamin J. Fruchtl
Streaming media available
The Other 'VD': The Educational Campaign to Reduce Venereal Disease Rate During World War II, Madeleine L. Gaiser
Bali's Eclectic Image: A Touristic Island Paradise and A Prevalently Modern Nation, Kristy L. Garcia
Globalization of Taste and Modernity: Tracing the Development of Western Fast Food Corporations in Urban China, Anastasia Gonchar
Jane Eyre and Education, Emma E. Gruner
A Chance to Thrive, Bethany Holtz
A Spoiled Throne for the Mighty Lion of the Deep, Bethany Holtz
Blue Water, Bethany Holtz
Croaked, Bethany Holtz
Five Points to Tranquility, Bethany Holtz
Human Encroachment, Bethany Holtz
Lens on Habitat Destruction: A Photo Essay in Double Exposure, Bethany Holtz
Modern Ruins of a Sentinel Creature, Bethany Holtz
Salientian Sustainability, Bethany Holtz
Swimming Against the Refuse Tide, Bethany Holtz
Unblemished Elegance, Bethany Holtz
The Art of Exile: A Narrative for Social Justice in a Modern World, Dakota D. Homsey
The RSHA Generation, Sean W. Hough
Vietnamese Contract Workers in the East German Republic, Sean W. Hough
Catharsis, Elizabeth H. Johnson
Crafting a Campus Sustainability Action Plan: A Grassroots Approach, Jolina A. Kenney
Crafting a Campus Sustainability Action Plan: A Grassroots Approach, Jolina A. Kenney
Eisenhower and Montgomery: Strategy, Leadership, and Tension at the End of World War II, Bradley J. Klustner
“Hello Coed!” A 1950s History of Gettysburg College Women, Keira B. Koch