I Saw That: Being Observed Reduces Race-based Shoot Decisions, Sarah S. Kramer, Kaitlin M. Lewin, Allison S. Romano, and Brian P. Meier
Expansion and Acquisition: The Built Environment Under Gettysburg College President, Gordon Haaland, 1990 to 2004, Hannah M. Labovitz and Lillian Shea
Sex Trafficking in Asia: The Impact of Policy, Economic Opportunity, and Globalization, Emma C. M. Lavoie
Pear on Cloth, Jordyn M. Markle
Constructing The Past, Maci Mark
Undergraduate Digital Scholarship at Gettysburg College, R.C. Miessler, Kevin Moore, and Emma K. Lewis
Secrecy in the American Revolution, Abigail N. Minzer
Refugee Resettlement and Integration in Germany: Analysis of Media Discourse, Dylan T. O'Neil
Invisible Intersex: How Discourse Serves to Perpetuate Violence, Zoe A. Philippou
Redefining Populism Beyond the West, Emma J. Poff
When We’re Connected to a Community, We’re Less Likely to Be at War with It: The Effect of Strong Civil Society on Civil War Onset and Incidence, Benjamin R. Pontz
El trabajo y el boxeo: elegir su destino frente a la desigualdad, Cassandra R. Pritt
Reflexology, Kristen A. Quindlen
From the Shire to the Somme: Comparing Military Themes in The Hobbit and Up to Mamtez, Alexander M. Remington
Drinks, Hijinks, and Policy Change: Fraternities at Gettysburg College in the Haaland Years (1990-2004), Lindsay R. Richwine and Lindsay K. Waller
Gender-Based Experiences of Migrant Smuggling at the US-Mexico Border, Sarah E. Rinehart
Social Identity and the Mexican Community, Francesca N. Rizzi
The Imposition of White Beauty Standards on Black Women, Sabrina E. Robinette
An Unlikely Pair: Impressionism and the Work-Life Interface, Emily N. Roush
Political Identification: How Parental Values Are Influenced, Nina I. Rubenstein
The NCAA: A Racist Institution, John J. Ryan
The Reflected (Un)Real: Space in Ingeborg Bachmann’s “Probleme Probleme”, Emma G. Schilling
The Constant Struggle of Life and Death During the Siege of Leningrad, Anastasia N. Semenov
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Effect on Wound Healing and Traumatic Brain Injuries, Sara L. Seuffert
What is a Viola?, Madison R. Sidle
How the Servo Cookie Crumbles, Mackenzie E. Smith
La Preservación y Evolución de la música tradicional andina y una modernización de la identidad indígena, Evan M. Tannenbaum
Checking a Box or Creating Change? Examining the Overall State of Gender Mainstreaming in Humanitarian Action, Jenna M. Thoretz
A Secret in the Words Tales of Literature and Dissent in Communist Czechoslovakia, Thea J. Toocheck
Visual Novels as Digital Storytelling, Emmarie T. Toppan
HBCUs Importance to the Black Community, Jarrett A. Torromeo
Designing Women: Essentializing Femininity in AI Linguistics, Ellianie S. Vega
Wolves are Wild: A Collection of Narratives About Rescued Wolves and Wolfdogs, Molly G. Vorhaus
The Energy it Takes to Do Great Work, Keyleigh N. Wallick
Campus-Based Agriculture: The Future of Food at Gettysburg College, Bryn K. Werley
Cardiovascular, Neuromuscular, and Immune Responses and Adaptations to Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFR), Hallie S. Wilk
The Pioneering Legacy and Consequence of Wernher von Braun, Ethan S. Wilt
Deconstructing Perceptions of the Border Patrol at the U.S.-Mexico Border, Claire H. Woodward
Periodization for Massive Strength Gains, Benjamin L. Yanes
Adverse Effects of Opioid Dependency on Central and Peripheral Aspects of the Neuromuscular System, Cindy Yang
Harvesting Memory, Preserving Home: A Cookbook of the Painted Turtle Farm/Cosechando Memoria, Preservando el Hogar: Un Libro de Cocina de la Granja de la Tortuga Pintada, Ricardo Aguilar, Juliet Aguilera Gonzalez, Aldair Bacilio, Ashley G. Barreiro, Anna H. Bochenek, Liam P. Carroll, Isabella Clemens, Theodore J. Davis, Harrison Combs, Ana L. Geddes, Gussie W. Goldman, John R. Graham, Emma Groff Groff, Emma Hedgepeth, James P. Krumsiek, Amy N. Marigliano, Jarek D. McCluff, Kaley M. Michael, Molly A. O'Shea, Tessa G. Panero, Taylor I. Paulin, Janet Rodriguez, Elizabeth A. Rousseau, Hope R. Rutter, Daniel B. Sachenik, William M. Schmidt, Lajuan A. Sydney Jr., Nishat Tasnim, Jayleen N. Velez, Daegan H. Wilcox, Cole H. Wirth, and Yihan Wu
To Save a Soul? Analyzing Hieronymus Bosch’s Death and the Miser, Ryan Bilger
On Forgiveness, Kathleen M. Bolger
Power Dynamics of the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests: An Environmental Justice Analysis, Brittany Bondi
Besatzungskinder: Die schweigenden Geister des zweiten Weltkrieges (Besatzungskinder: The Silenced Ghosts of the Second World War), Aimee C. Bosman
Mariticide, Autumn S. Brendle
Kodak Moments, Lauren J. Browning
Gettysburg Cyclorama: A Digital Annotation, Rebecca A. Burak, Abigail A. Coakley, Francesca M. Costa, Andrew I. Dalton, Mattea H. Ghaffary, James T. Goodman, Carolyn Hauk, Benjamin T. Hutchison, Lucas J. Kiesel, Hannah M. Labovitz, Emma K. Lewis, Lucy A. Marks, Jeremy D. Porter, Benjamin M. Roy, Cameron T. Sauers, Lillian Shea, Isaac J. Scoop, Jonathan E. Tracey, Laurel J. Wilson, Abigail C. Winston, and Shannon R. Zeltmann
Digital Cultures and Online Behaviors, Taylor O. Caesar, Kristina P. Cheyne, Lamar Gayle, William H. Gibson, Grace S. Goldy, Keyshla Guillon, Henry A. Jacobson, Cara C. Johnson, Gabrielle N. Kase, Bronwyn D. Kelley, Janeris Kelly, Jessica L. Laemle, Carri D. Le, Miranda R. Lieberman, Ivana A. Lopez-Espinosa, Gerardo Nunez, Daniel D. Reeves, and Timothy Schmelzinger
The Heart Wants What It Wants: Effects of Desirability and Body Part Salience on Distance Perceptions (Campbell), Celeste M. Campbell
[Untitled], Taylor S. Cannatelli
Understanding Violence Against Foreigners in Cape Town: Conceptions of Autochthony and Xenophobia in Post-Apartheid South Africa, Mary L. Casey
Immune Checkpoints in Cancer Treatment, Matthew A. Cherubino
Managerial Approaches to Telecommuting, Kristina P. Cheyne
Rocky Horror: A Study in Shadows and Flight, Julia M. Chin
SUB LEGE TO SUB GRATIA: An Iconographic Study of Van Eyck’s Annunciation, Christopher J. Condon
What Rough Beast (Its Hour Come Round at Last) Slouches Toward Bethlehem to Be Born?, Francesca M. Costa
American Gothic for Students, Madison Cramer
A Sign, Rachel M. Crowe
Roses, Hannah J. Dalzell
Jane Eyre and Education, Cameron N. D'Amica
An Iconographical Analysis of the Madonna and Child with Saints in the Enclosed Garden, Paige L. Deschapelles
The Heart Wants What It Wants: Effects of Desirability and Body Part Salience on Distance Perceptions (DeWitt), Caroline C. DeWitt
Managing Ethnic Conflict in Darfur: An Analysis of Third-Party Interventions, Marley R. Dizney Swanson
Airbnb's Effect on the Hospitality Industry, Eric A. Douglas
Knowing Their Audience: The Dynamics of Multiple Strategic Collective Action Frames by W.O.A.R. (Women Organized Against Rape), Laurel S. Downie
How the Misunderstanding that Heroin Addiction Is a Choice and the Stigma Surrounding Medication-Assisted Treatment Leads to More Overdose Deaths, Margaret M. Drew
It's No Secret, it's Racism, Daniel E. Duffey
Hablo Por Mi Disidengia / I Speak For My Dissidence, Lars Eddie
Autonomous Cars, Electric and Hybrid Cars, and Ridesharing: Perceptions vs. Reality, Christopher W. Eni, Charlie J. Clarke, and Danielle A. Wyatt
A Third Class of Worker: The Dependent Contractor, Lisa J. Fendrick
Uncovering Shakespeare's Sisters in Special Collections and College Archives, Musselman Library, Suzanne J. Flynn, Lauren J. Browning, Madison G. Harvey, Hannah C. Lindert, Emma J. Poff, Cameron N. D'Amica, Teagan Lewis, Merlyn Maldonado Lopez, Audrey J. Nikolich, Mariah L. Beck, Phoebe M. Doscher, Chloe Dougherty, Hana Huskic, Samantha L. Burr, Elizabeth F. D'Arcangelo, and Logan Shippee
From Tropes to Troupes: Misty Copeland and the Hyper-Whiteness of Ballet, Emma D. Golden
A Look at Female Genital Mutilation, Norhan H. Gomaa
Internalized Racism: Biases Children and Adults Hold, Daniela G. Gonzales
The Effect of Organizational Culture on Work-Life Balance, Elinor S. Groner
From Korngold to the Movies: Korngold's Influence on Film Scores, Michelle L. Grosser
Unmasking Hybridity in Popular Performance, Hannah M. Harder
A Monument to Culture and Achievement: The Samurai Suit of Armor and Katana at Gettysburg College, Carolyn Hauk
The Heart Wants What It Wants: Effects of Desirability and Body Part Salience on Distance Perceptions (Heath), Jason B. Heath
Within the Pillars of Hercules, Grace L. Herron
How Different Generations Perceive Political News, Elizabeth C. Hilfrank
Streaming media available
The Media Effect and the Implications for Racial Minority Groups, Hailey E. Hoffman
Girls Can Play: Analysis of Racial and Economic Barriers of Entry for Women of Color in Sport, Quinn I. Igram
Perceptions of Transactional and Transformational Leaders According to Gender, Quinn I. Igram, Andrew N. Garstka, and Lindsay D. Harris
My Mother's Body, Anika N. Jensen
Health Implications in Regards to the Changing Nature of Work, Carly E. Kalis
Distance Education: Methods of Education for Students in Remote Areas of China, Emily R. Kaminsky
Best of Intentions?: Rinderpest, Containment Practices, and Rebellion in Rhodesia in 1896, Brandon R. Katzung Hokanson
Combating Chromophobia: The Importance of Living Life in Full Color, Natasha G. Kerr
Nature or Nurture? The Concentration of African Americans in Specific Sports, Eric J. Klimowicz
Ici-bas!, Nicholas A. Koloian
Gender and Food Access in Adams County: Food Provisioning, Identity Formation, and Survival, Emma E. Korowotny
A “Hip-Hop” Broadway Masterpiece or a Misrepresentation of Hip Hop Culture, Dani E. Kupersmith
Books or Baskets: Compromising the Education and Future of Black Student-Athletes, Jessica L. Laemle
Trapped in the Mouse House: How Disney has Portrayed Racism and Sexism in its Princess Films, Jessica L. Laemle
An Exploration of Female Sexuality, Class Status, and Art in Hardy’s Short Stories, Erin M. Lanza
“La culpa es de los tlaxcaltecas”: Gender, the Burden of Blame, and a Re-examination of the Myth of La Malinche, Erin M. Lanza