The Artist’s Voice and the Written Word: Language in Art from 1960 to 1975, Emily A. Francisco
Bill In Hell, Collin C. Furth
Germany and History in Flux: The Generational Changes in Approaching Germany's Past, Louis T. Gentilucci
History Abroad: How Do Denmark and the U.S. Measure Up?, Louis T. Gentilucci
Imperial Electioneering: The Evolution of the Election in the Holy Roman Empire from the Collapse of the Carolingians to the Rise of the Ottonians, Louis T. Gentilucci
Walkable Gettysburg— How Pedestrian Friendly is the Borough of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania?, Samuel C. Gilvarg and Shane A. Kesnig
Destroying the Ethnosphere? How Tourism Has Impacted the Sherpas of Nepal, Joshua H. Ginder
We Are Sherpa, Joshua H. Ginder
Streaming media available
The Role of Social Media During the Arab Spring, Tyobista Girma
A Wavering Prayer, Sarah E. Gorski
Beauty and Beast, Rebecca A. Grill
Giant, Rebecca A. Grill
Hugin (Thought), Rebecca A. Grill
Narcissus, Rebecca A. Grill
Sleepy Hollow, Rebecca A. Grill
What Drives Car Attitudes: An Analysis of How Demographics and Environmental Views Relate to Car Attitudes, Kelly M. Gross, Alexandra S. Isaacson, and Brian J.B. Lonabocker
Effectiveness of Co-Teaching, Shelby T. Grubesky
In Her Own Right: A Study of Freya von Moltke in the German Resistance 1940-1945, Sarah E. Hayes
Spark Across the Ages': Freya von Moltke in the Memory of the German Resistance to National Socialism, Sarah E. Hayes
Nightstand, Joanna L. Hess
Sink, Joanna L. Hess
Comparing Disease Prevalence in Hard Corals at Four Different Reefs near the Island of Narganá in the Guna Yala Comarca of Panamá, Connor J. Hinton
Beauty: Subject to Change, Elliott C. Hirsch
Beauty: Subject to Change, Elliott C. Hirsch
Beauty: Subject to Change, Elliott C. Hirsch
Beauty: Subject to Change, Elliott C. Hirsch
Beauty: Subject to Change, Elliott C. Hirsch
From Ordinary to Something More, Elliott C. Hirsch
From Ordinary to Something More, Elliott C. Hirsch
From Ordinary to Something More, Elliott C. Hirsch
From Ordinary to Something More, Elliott C. Hirsch
Making the Invisible Heard: German-Kurdish Cultural Organizations and Transnational Networks, Drew A. Hoffman
Negotiation of Deaf Culture: Alternative Realities in the Classroom, Drew A. Hoffman
Working Towards a Globalized Minority: Regional German-Kurdish Cultural Organizations and Transnational Networks, Drew A. Hoffman
Virginia Woolf and the War of Self-Expression: The Great War and the Space-time Continuum in Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse, Kathleen S. Hoffman
Revealed, Danielle T. Janela
Revealed, Danielle T. Janela
Revealed, Danielle T. Janela
Revealed, Danielle T. Janela
Revealed, Danielle T. Janela
Revealed, Danielle T. Janela
Growing Up in the Trenches: Fritz Draper Hurd and the Great War, S. Marianne Johnson
Avian Diversity Across Three Distinct Agricultural Landscapes in Guadalupe, Chiriquí Highlands, Panama, Jarred A. Jones
Noise Pollution? What's the solution?: Understanding Traffic Noise Pollution in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Andrew F. Kapp, Joseph M. Passmore, and Anika H. Schneider
Perceptions of Peace and Reconciliation: Case of Lokokwo Peyot Women’s Group in Paidwe Parish, Bobi Sub-County, Amanda R. Kaste
I AM WHO I AM: The Book of Exodus and African American Individuality, Joseph L. Kirkenir
The Cult of Campus: An Analysis of Gettysburg College Students’ Fixation on the Physical Aspects of Their Campus, Jeffrey L. Lauck
Vodou Value in Haitian Life, Brandi E. Lauer
Post-9/11 Illegal Immigrant Detention and Deportation: Terrorism and the Criminalization of Immigration, Stefany N. Laun
Methods for the Effective Care and Rehabilitation of Captive Lumholtz’s Tree-kangaroos, Aden E. Lessiak
Distributed Media in the Age of Eisenhower: Political Buttons, Rachel C. Loughran
Regulation of Peripheral Molecular Clocks in Mammalian Tissues and In Vitro Skeletal Muscle Activation of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase via AICAR, Alex C. Lupolt, Daniel P. Moorhead, and Josef Brandauer
The Globalization of Maternal Healthcare in Western Africa, Maura T. Magistrali
How European Folk Stories Have Misrepresented Indigenous Women, Jacqueline S. Marotto
Cosimo de’ Medici: Patron, Banker, and Pater Patriae, Jessie E. Martin
Surgeon Practices and Attitudes toward the Control of Surgical-Site Infections in Jordan, Sara Ali Mater
The Tokugawa Samurai: Values & Lifestyle Transition, Kathleen A. McGurty
A Changing Force: The American Civil War, Women, and Victorian Culture, Megan E. McNish
Reconciling Christianity and Paganism, Susanna L. Mills
“In Light of Real Alternatives”: Negotiations of Fertility and Motherhood in Morocco and Oman, Victoria E. Mohr
Mauricio Novoa, Class of 2014, Musselman Library and Mauricio E. Novoa (January 24, 2014)
“Little Soldiers with Big Guns”: The Language of Child-Soldiering in Africa, Karen J. Norris
The Effects of American Involvement in Northern Uganda's Conflict with the Lord's Resistance Army, Karen J. Norris
Dwight Eisenhower, The Warrior, & John Kennedy, The Cold Warrior: Foreign Policy Under Two Presidents, Andrew C. Nosti
“ALL inferiors are required to obey strictly…” Disciplinary Issues in the Army of the Potomac under Grant during the Overland Campaign, Robert W. Novak
The Patriarchy’s Role in Gender Inequality in the Caribbean, Erin C. O'Connor
Musical Influence on Apartheid and the Civil Rights Movement, Katherine D. Power
The State of the Upper Bay of Panama Wetlands: Ecological Significance, Environmental Policy, Urbanization, and Social Justice, Madeline A. Price
“Long Live Freedom!”: Moral Motives Behind the White Rose Resistance, Katelyn M. Quirin
Of Love, Of Money, Of Unquestionable Practicality: The Choices of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Early Heroines, Katelyn M. Quirin
An Impossible Utopia: People’s Art and the Cultural Revolution, Molly E. Reynolds
Slaves, Soldiers, Citizens: African American Artifacts of the Civil War Era, Lauren H. Roedner, Angelo Scarlato, Scott Hancock, Jordan G. Cinderich, Tricia M. Runzel, Avery C. Lentz, Brian D. Johnson, Lincoln M. Fitch, and Michele B. Seabrook
New Topics, New Powers, and New Spirit: Walt Whitman and Allen Ginsberg and the Power of the Poet, Peter W. Rosenberger
Haydn Doren's Defense in the Court of the Jarl of Whiterun, Balgruuf the Greater, Ryan W. Selfridge
German Scooters, Madison M. Senseney
Progress, Madison M. Senseney
The Artist and the Rebel: The Art of Graffiti and Its Impact on Memory Architecture, Stephen A. Setman
Land Use and Surface Water Withdrawal Effects on Fish and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in the Susquehanna River Basin, USA, Matthew K. Shank and Jay R. Stauffer
A Rising Image and a Brighter Future: Gettysburg College in Spring 1929, Jesse E. Siegel
Fisher v. UT Austin - Contextualized Brief, Lauren H. Sobotka
Raising their Children, Janelle R. Thompson
The History of Glatfelter Hall, Kelly E. Tinkham
Desert Fog: The Disappearing Memory of the Herero Genocide, Elizabeth S. Topolosky
Green-Technology Automobiles: Can modern innovations save the environment and consumers' pockets, Nicholas M. Uline, Steven M. Mahon, and Jason P. Potter
Tracking Polar Mesospheric Clouds Using Unbinned Correlation Methods, Franz G. Utermohlen
Did One Veil Give Women a Better Life?, Mary C. Westermann
Shelby County v. Holder - Brief Contextualized, Mark W. Wolfe
Cross-Disciplinary Sciences at Gettysburg College: Second Annual Poster Presentation, X-SIG
Sex, Light, and Sound: Location and Combination of Multiple Attractants Affect Probability of Cane Toad (Rhinella marina) Capture, Alyse Yeager, John A. Commito, Andrew M. Wilson, Deborah Bower, and Lin Schwarzkopf
The Impact of Empire on Native American Women and Mothers, Rebecca J.M. Yowan
The Influences of the Musselman Family, Yifei Zhang
Barbie, Alexandra C. Barlowe
Oppression, Sexual Violence and Their Effects on Native American Women, Isabella J. Baxter
Pointless Hyperelliptic Curves, Ryan P. Becker and Darren B. Glass
The Same Person, Jeffrey C. Binner
Streaming media available
Exploring Relationships between Global, National and Local Actors: A Case Study Approach to INGOs in Post-Reform Vietnam, Alyssa L. Bosold
International Non-Governmental Organizations in Vietnam: A Case Study with Project Gaia, Alyssa L. Bosold
“Under the Seams Runs the Pain”: Four Greek Sources and Analogues for the Modern Monster in Anne Carson’s Autobiography of Red, Joshua M. Carmel
Little Soldiers, Macy F. Collins