Class Year


Document Type

Student Research Paper

Date of Creation

Spring 2018

Department 1



Past research has indicated that relationships, involvement, and supportiveness have an effect on job satisfaction and performance. A study was done on Gettysburg College students who have had experience with group work. Sixty-four (29 males, 35 females) Gettysburg College students were used as participants in the study. The study was split fairly evenly between sophomores, juniors, and seniors. To start, the survey included two demographic questions: gender and class year. Participants completed an online survey about the relationships among group mates, group involvement, and group support experience. Questions about the overall satisfaction and performance were also included. A correlational design was used to analyze the data. The results of this study concluded that there was significant association between positive relationships and involvement and job satisfaction and group performance in a group scenario. There was a significant association between group support and job satisfaction, but not performance.


Written as a research paper for Research Methods in Management.

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