Class Year

Creation Date
Spring 2015
Document Type
Department 1
Oil Paint on Panel
Northern Spain Floods. Alps Remain Snowy.
From the Artist: Events taking place thousands of miles apart appear within millimeters of each other on a computer screen. Events of joy and the best of humanity appear side by side with stories of terror and war. To better understand these contrasts and strange relationships between disjointed events, I intentionally juxtapose and layer news events, painting to evoke tensions both in content and technique.
The events I choose involve high-energy scenes with lots of human action, apparent or hidden. Visually, the source images I select are scenes charged with energy. When creating compositional relationships between these events, I look for interactions between the storylines and the visual elements. These interactions may parallel or contrast and are apt to change as I continue to work with the images and develop the compositions.
When I layer these images through my paint, I also work the paint to create its own dialogue within the painting and add to the overall narrative. From rough, thick areas of three-dimensional paint to thin drippy glazes, I pair and contrast painting techniques to create tensions and increase ambiguity.
By layering images and paint, I create veils, to partially obscure my subjects. This conceptual technique references the distance between us and the figures, while becoming the haze we must see through to understand events that happen at such a spatial and cultural distance. To overcome some of this distance between myself and my subjects, to bring events happening around the globe closer to home, to broaden the sphere in which I live -- I have begun to include aspects of my life
Painting, news stories, glazing