Class Year
Document Type
Student Research Paper
Date of Creation
Fall 2015
Department 1
Conservatory of Music
How can we conceptualize curriculum and school knowledge to better address important questions of social change, contingency of knowledge, life in mediated worlds, and inequalities? To answer this question I wrote fictional stories from students about their favorite moments from their 8th grade music class. Each account deals with a specific activity or instance in which the teacher included social change and/or student centered knowledge in the curriculum. The explanation at the end of the accounts details the reasons for creating each activity and the relation of the stories to texts utilized in class.
Copyright Note
This is the author's version of the work. This publication appears in Gettysburg College's institutional repository by permission of the copyright owner for personal use, not for redistribution.
Recommended Citation
Santiago, Logan B., "Notes from Mrs. Hadgu's Class: Conceptualizing Music Education Curriculum for a Changing World" (2015). Student Publications. 483.
Written for MUS CLAS 149: Social Foundations of Music Education.