Strategies for Environmental Education for Youths and Adults, Chumbe Island Coral Park, Zanzibar

Class Year


Document Type

Student Research Paper

Date of Creation

Summer 2017

Department 1

Center for Global Education


Chumbe Island Coral Park (CHICOP) is a privately-owned business that strives to follow the best principles of ecotourism, conservation, and environmental education. Their environmental education initiative is award-winning and has affected thousands of students and community members in Zanzibar. This study looked at the environmental education techniques that CHICOP already has in place by observing two pre-visits, three island-visits and one-post visit, and determined where there was a need for enhanced and new techniques for teaching about the environment. Evidence of climate change on Chumbe Island was also recorded to aid in the educational tools and to create a database of climate change evidence on Chumbe. After compiling the observations of each of the visits, twenty new environmental educational tools and activities were created, under eleven category types. It is hoped that these tools and activities will enhance environmental education based on Chumbe’s needs.


Written as part of the SIT Tanzania-Zanzibar: Coastal Ecology and Natural Resource management program.
