Document Type

Conference Material

Publication Date


Department 1

Conservatory of Music


This study examines a small but well-defined corpus: Franz Joseph Haydn’s string quartet minuets and trios (n=76 paired dances, or 152 individual minuets), composed between 1764 and 1803. Seeking to identify the metrical differences between a minuet intended for dancing and one intended for the salon or the concert stage, this study parses Haydn’s 8- and 10-measure minuet and trio sections (using the models of “tight-knit” theme types proposed by Caplin 1998), identifies patterns in Haydn’s phrase extensions, and discusses challenges and opportunities for further corpus-informed studies of phrase rhythm and hypermeter.


Paper presented virtually at the Future Directions in Music Cognition International Conference, hosted by The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH, March 6, 2021.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


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