Document Type

Conference Material

Publication Date


Department 1

Computer Science


Neller presented a set of research challenges for undergraduates that allow an excellent formative experience of research, writing, peer review, and potential presentation and publication through a top-tier conference. The focus problem is the analysis of a newly-designed solitaire card game, Birds of a Feather, so potentials for discovery abound. Open access talk slides, research code, solvability data sets, research tutorial videos, and more are also available at .


This talk was originally presented at the Gettysburg College Computer Science Colloquium on November 9th, 2017. A follow-up research workshop was held for Gettysburg students at our Computer Science Colloquium on February 1st, 2018. It was also presented at the Eighth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence 2018 on February 3rd, 2018 and Dickinson College on February 27th, 2018.
