Inside the Lab. Students Create. Reflect. And Evolve., Divonna M. Stebick and Joshua Wagner
Teacher Inquiry: A Catalyst for Professional Development, Divonna M. Stebick, Jonathan Hart, Lauren Glick, Jaime Kindervatter, Jenna Nagel, and Cathy Patrick
Fresh Beginnings: Promoting a Culture of Teacher Inquiry through Passion in the Profession, Jonathan Hart and Divonna M. Stebick
It’s All About to Change: Implications of Reforming Grading & Assessment within a Public School District, Divonna M. Stebick, Megan L. Pilarcik, and Daniel W. Hartman
Systematic Anecdotal Records: An Unexpected Journey into Teacher Inquiry, Divonna M. Stebick and Jonathan Hart
The History You Don’t Know, and the History You Do: The Promise of Signature Pedagogies in History Education, Dave Powell
Going for Broke: A Talk to Music Teachers, Juliet Hess and Brent C. Talbot
Critically Assessing Forms of Resistance in Music Education, Brent C. Talbot and Hakim Mohandas Amani Williams
Superdiversity in Music Education, Brent C. Talbot
The Revolving Door of Education: Teacher Turnover and Retention amongst the Graduates of a Liberal Arts Teacher Education Program, Gregory W. Dachille and Chloe Ruff
Becoming Co-Witnesses to the Fukushima Disaster in an Elementary Literacy Classroom, Kaoru Miyazawa
The Abstinence Only Until Marriage Program and Girl (Dis)empowerment, Kaoru Miyazawa
And What If DeVos Is Confirmed?, Dave Powell
Betsy DeVos Fails the Test, Dave Powell
Betsy DeVos Is No Ruby Bridges, Dave Powell
Brother, Can You Paradigm? Toward a Theory of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Social Studies, Dave Powell
Funding the Arts and Humanities is Worth Fighting For, Dave Powell
Looking for a Cure for Educationl Exhaustion, Dave Powell
Maybe It's Time to Put Betsy DeVos in 'Receive Mode', Dave Powell
No, Education Isn't the Civil Rights Issue of Our Time, Dave Powell
Obama's Legacy for Education Policy, Dave Powell
Should We Give Betsy DeVos a Chance? I Don't Think So, Dave Powell
Some Things You Can Do to Support Public Education Now, Dave Powell
Students at Kansas Newspaper Prove Democracy Isn't Dead Yet, Dave Powell
Teach Your Students Well: This Land Is Their Land, Dave Powell
These Testing Obsessions Are Getting a Little Weird, Dave Powell
What If Betsy DeVos Is Not Confirmed?, Dave Powell
Why Is Mulvaney Opposed to Feeding Poor Kids at School?, Dave Powell
American Education Through a Chinese Lens, Chloe Ruff and Christopher R. Fee
Fulbright Magic: The Alchemy of an Intentional Experience Abroad, Chloe Ruff and Christopher R. Fee
Making the Invisible, Visible: RtI and Reading Comprehension, Jonathan Hart and Divonna M. Stebick
Becoming a Scientist: Using First-Year Undergraduate Science Courses to Promote Identification with Science Disciplines, Chloe Ruff and Brett D. Jones
Fostering Students' Identification with Mathematics and Science, Brett D. Jones, Chloe Ruff, and Jason W. Osborne
It's Like They're Building the Airplane While It's in the Air, Dave Powell
Breathing Life into Information Literacy Skills: Results of a Faculty-Librarian Collaboration, Divonna M. Stebick, Janelle L. Wertzberger, Margaret E. Flora, and Joseph W. Miller
The Professional Learning Motivation Profile (PLMP): A Tool for Assessing Instructional Motivation, Barbara A. Marinak, Divonna M. Stebick, and Mary Paxton
Creating a New Space and a New Alliance in the Global Age: A Dialogue Between Freirian Pedagogy and Seikatsu Tsuzurikata, Kaoru Miyazawa
On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History and Memory, Dave Powell
Streaming media available
Politics are Crushing the Standards, Dave Powell
Language of Harry's Wizards: Authentic Vocabulary Instruction, Divonna M. Stebick and Constance N. Nichols
Building Effective Collaborative Leadership: Some Practicalities, Judith Brough
The Impact of Engineering Identification and Stereotypes on Undergraduate Women’s Achievement and Persistence in Engineering, Brett D. Jones, Chloe Ruff, and Marie C. Paretti
Dreaming and Surviving in Heterotopia: First-Generation Immigrant Girls’ Pursuit of the American Dream in New York City, Kaoru Miyazawa
Bridging the Gap: 21st Century Media Meets Theoretical Pedagogical Literacy Practices, Divonna M. Stebick and Mary L. Paxton
Assessing the Research Process Improves the Product: Results of a Faculty-Librarian Collaboration, Divonna M. Stebick, Janelle L. Wertzberger, Margaret E. Flora, and Joseph W. Miller
Accommodating Accommodations: How a Small Liberal Arts College Certification Program Redefines the New ELL State Mandates, Brent C. Talbot and Kaoru Miyazawa
Using Popular Media and a Collaborative Approach to Teaching Grounded Theory Research Methods, Elizabeth G. Creamer, Michelle R. Ghoston, Tiffany Drape, Chloe Ruff, and Joseph Mukuni
The Influence of a Collaborative Doctoral Seminar on Emerging Teacher Educator-Researchers, Todd Dinkelman, Alexander Cuenca, Brandon Butler, Charles Elfer, Jason Ritter, Dave Powell, and Todd Hawley
The Effects of Mind Mapping Activities on Students' Motivation, Brett D. Jones, Chloe Ruff, Jennifer Dee Snyder, Britta Petrich, and Chelsea Koonce
A Pedagogical and Postcolonial Response to Antonia Darder’s and Ward Churchill’s Talks, Kaoru Miyazawa
The More She Longs for Home, the Farther Away it Appears: A Paradox of Nostalgia in a Fulani Immigrant Girl’s Life, Kaoru Miyazawa
Confusing Achievement With Aptitude, Dave Powell
Reconsidering Rapport with Urban Teachers: Negotiating Shifting Boundaries and Legitimizing Support, Carol R. Rinke and Lynnette Mawhinney
Using Blogs to Foster Inquiry, Collaboration, and Feedback in Pre-Service Teacher Education, Carol R. Rinke, Divonna M. Stebick, Lauren Schaefer, and Michael Evan Gaffney
Revisiting On-Line Discussion as Practice for Reflective Thinking in Three Sequential Classes, Charles Dittrich, Jonelle Pool, Divonna M. Stebick, and Emily Weigler
Using Technology to Develop Preservice Teachers' Reflective Thinking, Charles Dittrich, Divonna M. Stebick, Jonelle Pool, and Lindsay McCoy
Comprehension Strategies for Your K-6 Literacy Classroom: Thinking Before, During, and After Reading, Divonna M. Stebick and Joy M. Dain
A Reading Apprenticeship Model for Improving Literacy: A Pre-service Teacher Case Study, Divonna M. Stebick, Diana J. Pool, and Jonelle Pool
Piloting a Digitized Evidence-Based Assessment System, Divonna M. Stebick and Jonelle Pool
A Multiple Measures Model for Documenting Teacher and Program Effectiveness, Jonelle Pool, Divonna M. Stebick, and Judith Brough