
Was auf dem (jüdischen) Spiel stand. Die Preisausschreiben der jüdischen Presse in der Weimarer Republik

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Department 1



Kerry Wallach, Assistant Professor of German Studies, published “Was auf dem (jüdischen) Spiel stand. Die Preisausschreiben der jüdischen Presse in der Weimarer Republik” [“What Was at Stake (for the Jews): The Prize Contests of the Jewish Press in the Weimar Republic”] in Nicht nur Bildung, nicht nur Bürger: Juden in der Populärkultur, edited by Klaus Hödl (StudienVerlag, 2013). This essay explores a form of mass popular culture particular to readers of German-Jewish periodicals in the 1920s and early 1930s. Jewish-themed prize contests provided readers with the opportunity to participate in entertaining, lighthearted Jewish projects and thereby lend public support to various German-Jewish communities.

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