Traces of a Jewish Artist: The Lost Life and Work of Rahel Szalit, Kerry Wallach
Bild-ing Science: The Multiplicity of Bild-Types in Boltzmann, Steven Gimbel and Richard Lambert III
Introduction: When Feminism and Antisemitism Collide, Sonia Gollance and Kerry Wallach
Art without Borders: Artist Rahel Szalit-Marcus and Jewish Visual Culture, Kerry Wallach
Buy Me a Mink: Jews, Fur, and Conspicuous Consumption, Kerry Wallach
German-Jewish Studies: Next Generations, Kerry Wallach and Aya Elyada
Review of Jay Howard Geller, The Scholems: A Story of the German-Jewish Bourgeoisie from Emancipation to Destruction, Kerry Wallach
Digital German-Jewish Futures: Experiential Learning, Activism, and Entertainment., Kerry Wallach
Review of Sarah Wobick-Segev, Homes Away from Home: Jewish Belonging in Twentieth-Century Paris, Berlin, and St. Petersburg, Kerry Wallach
The Jewish Vamp of Berlin: Actress Maria Orska, Typecasting, and Jewish Women, Kerry Wallach
Visual Weimar: The Iconography of Social and Political Identities, Kerry Wallach
On the Expressions of "Media" and "New Media", Alexander Kluge and Richard Lambert III
Review of “Der fürchterliche Lärm der Stummheit”: Zur Politik des Hörbaren bei Hermann Broch by Victoria Weidemann, Richard Lambert III
Forum: Feminism in German Studies, Elizabeth Loentz, Monika Shafi, Faye Stewart, Tiffany Florvil, Kerry Wallach, Beverly Weber, Hester Baer, Carrie Smith, and Maria Stehle
Review of Leonard Barkan's Berlin for Jews: A Twenty-First-Century Companion, Kerry Wallach
Review of Violent Sensations: Sex, Crime, and Utopia in Vienna and Berlin, 1860-1914 by Scott Spector, Kerry Wallach
Powerless Heroines: Gender and Agency in DEFA Films of the 1960s and 1970s, Henning Wrage
Im Schatten der Sehnsucht nach Freiheit: Argentinische Geschichten, Jorge R. G. Sagastume, Utz Rachowski, and Michael Ritterson
Passing Illusions: Jewish Visibility in Weimar Germany, Kerry Wallach
Eine neue Ära, Utz Rachowski and Michael Ritterson
America Abandoned: German-Jewish Visions of American Poverty in Serialized Novels by Joseph Roth, Sholem Asch, and Michael Gold, Kerry Wallach
Social Consciousness in the Bionade-Biedermeier: An Interview with Filmmakers Marc Bauder and Dörte Franke, Laurel Cohen
Escape Artistry: Elisabeth Bergner and Jewish Disappearance in Der träumende Mund (Czinner, 1932), Kerry Wallach
Claiming the Second World War and Its Lost Generation: Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter and the Politics of Emotion, Laurel Cohen-Pfister
Thuringian Scenes, Utz Rachowski and Michael Ritterson
DEFA at the Crossroads of East German and International Film Culture: A Companion, Marc Silberman and Henning Wrage
Front-Page Jews: Doris Wittner's (1880-1937) Berlin Feuilletons, Kerry Wallach
On Ashkenazi’s Weimar Film and Modern Jewish Identity, Kerry Wallach
DEFA Films for the Youth: National Paradigms, International Influences, Henning Wrage
Dragica Rajcic: Writing Women and War in the Margins, Laurel Cohen-Pfister
The Birdsong Papers, Wilhelm Raabe and Michael Ritterson
Autumn Day, Rainer Maria Rilke and Michael Ritterson
Kosher Seductions: Jewish Women as Employees and Consumers in German Department Stores, Kerry Wallach
Recognition for the ‘Beautiful Jewess’: Beauty Queens Crowned by Modern Jewish Print Media, Kerry Wallach
Schönborn, Sibylle, Karl Ivan Solibakke, and Bernd Witte, eds. Traditionen jüdischen Denkens in Europa., Kerry Wallach
Was auf dem (jüdischen) Spiel stand. Die Preisausschreiben der jüdischen Presse in der Weimarer Republik, Kerry Wallach
Weimar Jewish Chic: Jewish Women and Fashion in 1920s Germany, Kerry Wallach
Neue Jugend - Einleitung, Henning Wrage
Mexico and Weimar’s Anti-Authoritarian Socialist Imagination: Storytelling, Working, and ‘Unworking’ in B. Traven, Martin M. Kley
Seven Poems, Angela Krauss and Michael Ritterson
German Moonlight, Höxter and Corvey, At the Sign of the Wild Man, Wilhelm Raabe, Alison E. Martin, Eric Lehmann, Michael Ritterson, and Florian Krobb
Four Poems by Utz Rachowski, Utz Rachowski and Michael Ritterson
Interieur / Interior, Utz Rachowski and Michael Ritterson
Kreuzberg/Calvary, Utz Rachowski and Michael Ritterson
Letzter Brief von Hamlet / Final Letter from Hamlet, Utz Rachowski and Michael Ritterson
Mein Lieblingstier / My Favorite Animal, Utz Rachowski and Michael Ritterson
The Wild Huntsman (A Message for the Semi-Educated Classes), Utz Rachowski and Michael Ritterson
Gender and Jewish History, Kerry Wallach
Paths of Modernity: Jewish Women in Central Europe, Kerry Wallach
Review of The Other Jewish Question: Identifying the Jew and Making Sense of Modernity, Kerry Wallach
Kennt Kultur kiene Kurzarbeit? Representing Work and Worklessness in Contemporary German Literature, Martin M. Kley