The Centennial of the Great War, Thomas J. Crafa
Visual Culture Analysis of "The Last Ditch of the Chivalry, or a President in Petticoats", Sarah A. Hansen
Visual Culture Project: Confederate War Etchings: Searching for Arms by Adalbert Johann Volck, Lynn B. Hatcher
A Moment in History Relevant to the Modern Era, Brandon R. Katzung Hokanson
Saving Grace on Feathered Wings: Homing Pigeons in the First World War, Brandon R. Katzung Hokanson
Interpreting a Commemorative Landscape: The Eleventh Corps and Cemetery Hill, Bradley J. Klustner
Rhapsody in Red, White and Blue: The Co-Evolution of Popular and Art Music in the United States during World War II, Douglas A. Kowalewski
Religion and the State: The Influence of the Tokugawa on Religious Life, Thought, and Institutions, Savannah A. Labbe
The Letters of Stewart Winfield Herman Jr. An American Pastor in Berlin, 1936-1941, Lucy A. Marks
The Legend of the Wehrmacht’s “Clean Hands”: The Attempt to Remove Nazism from the German Military, Kenneth R. McCracken
Bringing Stories to Life by Sharing Archival Material, Christina M. Noto
"Avenging Furies": The Memoirs of American Women in the Philippines during the Second World War, Meghan E. O'Donnell
A Gettysburg "Streetscape," North Washington Street in 1925, Zachary C. Polley and Andrew I. Dalton
The Great War Then and Now: Reflections on America’s Declaration of War, Thomas S. Potter
Neurasthenia, Robert Graves, and Poetic Therapy in the Great War, Juliette E. Sebock
The World War II Letters of Richard Schade, Ashley N. Sonntag
Captive Body, Free Mind: Euphrosinia Kersnovskaia, the Gulag, and Art Under Oppression, Laura G. Waters
Interpreting a Commemorative Landscape: Culp's Hill and Spangler's Spring, Zachary A. Wesley
Uproar on Campus: Student Protests in the Vietnam War Era, Taylor N. Beck, Wesley J. Craft, Jonathan G. Danchik, Julia K. Deros, Melanie L. Fernandes, Madeleine L. Gaiser, Lynn B. Hatcher, Danielle E. Jones, Jeffrey L. Lauck, Kevin P. Lavery, Abigail E. Metheny, Samantha K. Misurell, Maxine Peskens, Brendan M. Raleigh, Savannah G. Rose, Kaylyn L. Sawyer, Justin E. Shapiro, Julia E. Sippel, Elizabeth A. Smith, Chris J. Sniezek, Meredith D. Staats, Meg A. Sutter, Jill Ogline Titus, and Megan E. McNish
The Berlin Olympics: Sports, Anti-Semitism, and Propaganda in Nazi Germany, Nathan W. Cody
A Different Way of Touring Europe, Abigail M. Currier
Gettysburg College Through Time, Andrew I. Dalton
Similar Experiences, Unique Perspectives: How Japanese American Experiences Influenced Their Participation During World War II, Julia K. Deros
The Other 'VD': The Educational Campaign to Reduce Venereal Disease Rate During World War II, Madeleine L. Gaiser
The RSHA Generation, Sean W. Hough
Eisenhower and Montgomery: Strategy, Leadership, and Tension at the End of World War II, Bradley J. Klustner
From the Ashes of Glory: The Rise and Fall of Jackson Ward, Jeffrey L. Lauck
A Gettysburg Snapshot: N. Stratton Street in 1943, Andrew C. Nosti
"We are Americans, too:" Interracial Relations in Detroit's Postwar Auto Industry, Andrew C. Nosti
Stories Remembered, Stories Told: Women of Gettysburg College from 1965-1975, Christina M. Noto
Turning Points: Women at Gettysburg College from 1965-1975, Christina M. Noto
Education for Victory: An Analysis of Social Studies Education in American Secondary Schools during World War II, Rachael E. O'Dell
Attacking Multiple Fronts: The Tuskegee Airmen as Pioneers of Military Integration, Kaylyn L. Sawyer
Mussolini's Gladius: The Double-Edged Sword of Antiquity in Fascist Italy, Kyle W. Schrader
A Coercive Courtship: German Awareness of and Responses to the Sudeten Germans, 1929-1934, Jesse E. Siegel
Home Front to War Front: The Navy Nurse Corps During World War II, Amanda L. Thibault
The American National Exhibition and Kitchen Debates: How the World's Superpowers Portrayed the Events of the Summer of 1959 to Meet National Needs, Kevin D. Bardin
Slavery and the Civil War: The Reflections of a Yankee Intern in Appomattox, Jonathan G. Danchik
Timeline of Embellishments, Kira Gabriel
SEATO Stumbles: The Failure of the NATO Model in the Third World, Louis T. Gentilucci
The Bosnian Muslims and the Irish Perspective, Gabriel C. Kelly
The First World War Letters of H.J.C. Peirs, Hugh John Chevallier Peirs
He Was The Best of Kings; He Was the Worst of Kings: A Critique of the Literary Presentation of Richard I, Estelle Reed
Assessing Reconstruction: Did the South Undergo Revolutionary Change?, Lauren H. Sobotka
The "Unfinished Work:" The Civil War Centennial and the Civil Rights Movement, Megan A. Sutter
Facing the Apocalypse: Bomb Shelters and National Policy in Eisenhower’s Second Term, Angela A. Badore
Keep this Hand of Mercy at its Work, Kyle A. Beldoch
Banished from the Present: Musicians in Nazi Germany, Thomas G. Bennett
A Surgeon’s Duty, Andrew P. Carlino
The Ideal and the Real: Southern Plantation Women of the Civil War, Kelly H. Crosby
Feed a Fighter, Abigail M. Currier
Throwing the Switch: Eisenhower, Stevenson and the African-American Vote in the 1956 Election, Lincoln M. Fitch
Germany and History in Flux: The Generational Changes in Approaching Germany's Past, Louis T. Gentilucci
History Abroad: How Do Denmark and the U.S. Measure Up?, Louis T. Gentilucci
Imperial Electioneering: The Evolution of the Election in the Holy Roman Empire from the Collapse of the Carolingians to the Rise of the Ottonians, Louis T. Gentilucci
In Her Own Right: A Study of Freya von Moltke in the German Resistance 1940-1945, Sarah E. Hayes
Raised 'em myself in my U.S. School Garden, Elizabeth K. Hunziker
Growing Up in the Trenches: Fritz Draper Hurd and the Great War, S. Marianne Johnson
Growing Up in the Trenches: Fritz Draper Hurd and the Great War, S. Marianne Johnson
Hunger, S. Marianne Johnson
A Changing Force: The American Civil War, Women, and Victorian Culture, Megan E. McNish
“ALL inferiors are required to obey strictly…” Disciplinary Issues in the Army of the Potomac under Grant during the Overland Campaign, Robert W. Novak
Joan of Arc Saved France, Nicole Powell
“Long Live Freedom!”: Moral Motives Behind the White Rose Resistance, Katelyn M. Quirin
A Rising Image and a Brighter Future: Gettysburg College in Spring 1929, Jesse E. Siegel
Over the Top for You, Fangzhou Yuan
Gardens in the Air: A Reexamination of the Ottoman Tulip Age, Rachel R. Fry
1 1/2 Years in Death Valley, Louis T. Gentilucci
I, the Queen: Power and Gender in the Reign of Isabel I of Castile, Sarah E. Hayes
Fluid Borders, Concrete Locations: Epicenters of Cross-Cultural Interaction in the Eighteenth Century Borderland of the Great Lakes, John W. Nelson
I am a Yakhchal, Scott M. Shafer
Where Have All the Symbols Gone?: A Study of Sufis and Sufi Symbolism in Ottoman Miniature Paintings, Jesse E. Siegel
Rebuilding the "Special Relationship:" Ambassador Sir Harold Caccia and the Reconstruction of Relations between the United States and the United Kingdom, Elizabeth D. Amrhein
Off the Edge of the Map: The Search for Portuguese Influence on the Piri Reis Map of 1513, Robert S. Bridges
Fish or Cut Bait? Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Creation of the St. Lawrence Seaway, Austin W. Clark
James R. Killian, Jr., Sputnik, and Eisenhower: White House Science Advice and the Reformation of American Science Education, 1955-1958, Dallas A. Grubbs
Joshua and Dulcinea: A Conflict Between Country and Family, Timothy H. Koenig
Camels In North America: The Effects of Islam & Globalism on U.S. State Law, Connor H. Richardson
The Coverings of an Empire: An Examination of Ottoman Headgear from 1500 to 1829, Connor H. Richardson
The Long Road: An Analysis of the 1557 Book of Mirrors by Seydi Ali Reis, Julian N. Weiss
George Croll Baum: Building A Greater Gettysburg, Abraham M. Apfel
The Legacy of Charles Henry Huber, Class of 1892: A Half Century of Service to Gettysburg College, Alex P. Ferraro
Mapping Gettysburg: Baltimore Street in 1910, Danielle C. Hiss and Megan L. Gray
Original Pennsylvania College Building, Robert S. Kellert
Glatfelter Hall: A Colorful History, Kaitlyn Roman
The Old Tin Cup, Nicholas T. Scerbo
Breidenbaugh to Zinn: The Evolution of Chemistry at Gettysburg College, Rachel F. Surmick
"Under God": The Story of Gettysburg in India, Daniel J. Willever
Discovering History: The History of the Ice House Complex, Elizabeth D. Amrhein
The Unsung Vigilance: A History of Sentinel, Austin W. Clark
Failure and Success: Paul R. Sieber, Nelson F. Fisher, and the Fifty-Year Struggle for the Gettysburg College Health Center, Dallas A. Grubbs
Preserving the Memory: An Examination of the Masters Fountain Plaque, Donated by J. William Warehime, Victoria A. Shepard
Ivy and the Class of 1933, Elizabeth M. Ungemach
I Am a Shirt, Gregory Williams
'A Beautiful Dream Realized': John S. Rice and the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, Brian Matthew Jordan
Gargoyles on Glatfelter Hall, Katherine D. Anthony
Silent Doorway to the Past: “Vigil” Painting in Weidensall Hall, Elizabeth A. Appenzeller
Parker B. Wagnild Portrait in Schmucker Hall, Stephanie M. Bonnes