Relative Peace and Emerging Fault Lines: Accounting for Trends in Intrastate Conflict in Latin America

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Department 1

Political Science


Book Summary: The Routledge Handbook of Latin American Security identifies the key contemporary topics of research and debate, taking into account that the study of Latin America’s comparative and international politics has undergone dramatic changes since the end of the Cold War, the return of democracy and the re-legitimization and re-armament of the military against the background of low-level uses of force short of war.

Chapter Summary: This chapter seeks to account for the downward trend in the incidence of civil war in Latin America as well as to identify emerging fault lines that may signal the potential for renewed intrastate conflict in the region. Additionally, it explores the implications that patterns of intrastate war in Latin America have for the way in scholars study conflict there and in other regions of the world.


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