Faculty publications from the Political Science Department at Gettysburg College.



Türkiye: Home State Reimagined, Yasemin Akbaba

Violence beyond the Battlefield: Civilian Targeting, Sexual Violence, and Women's Political Empowerment, Caroline A. Hartzell, Lindsay Reid, Burcu Savun, and Jessica Stanton

Turkey’s Gender Gap in Higher Education: An Analysis of IR Doctoral Students, Cigdem Kentmen-Cin, Yasemin Akbaba, and Burcu Saracoglu


Divisive or Descriptive?: How Americans Understand Critical Race Theory, Alauna Safarpour, Kristin Lunz Trujillo, Jon Green, Caroline High Pippert, Jennifer Lin, and James N. Druckman

International Relations: Seeking Security, Prosperity, and Quality of Life in a Changing World, James M. Scott, Yasemin Akbaba, Ralph G. Carter, and A. Cooper Drury

Inventors of Ideas: Introduction to Political Thought, Donald Tannenbaum

COVID-19 Spillover Effects onto General Vaccine Attitudes, Kristin Lunz Trujillo, Jon Green, Alauna Safarpour, David Lazer, Jennifer Lin, and Matthew Motta

Legislative Configuration and Strength Through the Idea of Ends Independence, Ae sil Woo



Religious Discrimination Against Minorities: Theories and Findings, Yasemin Akbaba


Misinformation, Trust, and Use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19, Roy H. Perlis, Kristin Lunz Trujillo, Jon Green, Alauna Safarpour, James N. Druckman, Mauricio Santillana, Katherine Ognyanova, and David Lazer


Community Mobility and Depressive Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States, Roy H. Perlis, Kristin Lunz Trujillo, Alauna Safarpour, Alexi Quintana, Matthew D. Simonson, Jasper Perlis, Mauricio Santillana, Katherine Ognyanova, Matthew A. Baum, James N. Druckman, and David Lazer


On Campus and Online: Evaluating Student Engagement in the Covid-19 Era, Yasemin Akbaba


Citizens in Peace Processes, Caroline A. Hartzell, Felix Haass, and Martin Ottmann


The Domestic Impact of International Shaming: Evidence from Climate Change and Human Rights, Faradj Koliev, Douglas D. Page, and Jonas Tallberg

Reassessing the Relationship Between Homophobia and Political Participation, Douglas D. Page, Phillip M. Ayoub, Catharine Arranz, Matthew S. Montes, and Taylor I. Paulin

Revisiting the Lavender Vote, Douglas D. Page and Taylor I. Paulin

Violence and Vietnamese Anticolonialism, Kevin D. Pham


Engaging with Diversity Through Technology, Yasemin Akbaba and Filiz Başkan

Pride amid Prejudice: The Influence of LGBT+ Rights Activism in a Socially Conservative Society, Phillip M. Ayoub, Douglas D. Page, and Samuel Whitt


Presidential Use of Diversionary Drone Force and Public Support, Scott S. Boddery and Graid G. Klein

Pro-Government Militias and Civil War Termination, Chelsea Estancona and Lindsay Reid

Blurring Lines of Responsibility: How Institutional Context Affects Citizen Biases Regarding Policy Problems, Douglas D. Page and Ridvan Peshkopia



Power Sharing and Democracy in Post-Civil War States: The Art of the Possible, Caroline A. Hartzell and Matthew Hoddie

Coming Out and Political Attitudes Among Sexual Minorities, Douglas D. Page


Nguyễn An Ninh’s Anti-Colonial Thought: A New Account of National Shame, Kevin D. Pham


Conflict Environments and Civil War Onset, Lindsay Reid, Rachel Myrick, Kelly M. Kadera, and Mark J.C. Crescenzi



Protest and Religion: An Overview, Yasemin Akbaba


Societal Rather than Governmental Change: Religious Discrimination in Muslim-Majority Countries after the Arab Uprisings, Yasemin Akbaba and Jonathan Fox

Role Theory in the Middle East and North Africa: Politics, Economics and Identity, Yasemin Akbaba and Özgür Özdamar


When Do Opponents of Gay Rights Mobilize? Explaining Political Participation in Times of Backlash against Liberalism, Phillip M. Ayoub and Douglas D. Page

Signals from a Politicized Bar: The Solicitor General as a Direct Litigant before the U.S. Supreme Court, Scott S. Boddery


Naming Names: The Impact of Supreme Court Opinion Attribution on Citizen Assessment of Policy Outcomes, Scott S. Boddery, Laura P. Moyer, and Jeff Yates


The Evolution of a Structured Writing Accountability Group (SWAG), Alice M. Brawley Newlin, Chas. Phillips, and Patturaja Selvaraj

Economic Power Sharing: Potentially Potent… but Likely Limited, Caroline A. Hartzell


Power Sharing and the Rule of Law in the Aftermath of Civil War, Caroline A. Hartzell and Matthew Hoddie

Power Sharing and Power Relations After Civil War, Caroline A. Hartzell and Andreas Mehler

Europe's LGBT Movement, Douglas D. Page


Confronting Wartime Sexual Violence: Public Support for Survivors in Bosnia, Douglas D. Page and Samuel Whitt



How to Turn Down Political Heat on Supreme Court and Federal Judges: Stop Signing Opinions, Scott S. Boddery


Kennedy Retirement Plunges Supreme Court into Politics. Here's How to Turn Down the Heat., Scott S. Boddery


What Senators Should Ask Brett Kavanaugh, Scott S. Boddery


Beyond Keeping the Peace: Can Peacekeepers Reduce Ethnic Divisions After Violence?, Douglas D. Page and Sam Whitt



How to Merge Courses via Skype™? Lessons from an International Blended Learning Project, Yasemin Akbaba and Filiz Başkan

Exit, Voice and Loyalty: State Rhetoric About the International Criminal Court, Franziska Boehme


Bargaining Theory, Civil War Outcomes, and War Recurrence: Assessing the Results of Empirical Tests of the Theory, Caroline A. Hartzell

How the Criteria for Joining the European Union Affect Public Opinion: The Case of Equal Pay Between Women and Men in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Douglas D. Page


When Does Sexuality-Based Discrimination Motivate Political Participation?, Douglas D. Page

When Do Voters Support the European Union’s Involvement in Gay Rights?, Douglas D. Page


Courts and Executives, Jeffrey L. Yates and Scott S. Boddery



Civil War Termination, Caroline A. Hartzell

Deviant Globalization: the Application of Strategic Landpower, Joel R. Hillison and Avram Isaacson


Commentary: Justice Who Follows Scalia's Path Would Hurt the Working Class, Bruce A. Larson


How Voters Hold the European People’s Party Accountable in European Parliament Elections, Douglas D. Page


Islamism in Western Europe: Milli Görüş in Germany, Gonul Tol and Yasemin Akbaba


Restrictions on the Religious Practices of Religious Minorities: A Global Survey, Jonathan Fox and Yasemin Akbaba

Securitization of Islam and Religious Discrimination: Religious Minorities in Western Democracies, 1990–2008, Jonathan Fox and Yasemin Akbaba

Relative Peace and Emerging Fault Lines: Accounting for Trends in Intrastate Conflict in Latin America, Caroline A. Hartzell

The Art of the Possible: Power Sharing and Post— Civil War Democracy, Caroline A. Hartzell and Matthew Hoddie

U.S. House Incumbent Fundraising and Spending in a Post-Citizens United and Post-McCutcheon World, Eric S. Heberlig and Bruce A. Larson


Eisenhower: Champion of Federal Activism, Shirley Anne Warshaw


A Way Around the Divided House Majority, Charles L. Weise and Bruce A. Larson


Religious Discrimination in the European Union and Western Democracies, 1990 to 2008, Jonathan Fox and Yasemin Akbaba


Mixed Motives? Explaining the Decision to Integrate Militaries at Civil War's End, Caroline A. Hartzell


Nation-state Crises in the Absence and Presence of Segment States: The Case of Nicaragua, Caroline A. Hartzell


Peacebuilding After Civil War, Caroline A. Hartzell


Stepping Up: Burden Sharing by NATO's Newest Members, Joel R. Hillison

Segment States in the Developing World: Conflict's Cause or Cure?, Matthew Hoddie and Caroline A. Hartzell

Short-Term Pain, Long-Term Gain? The Effects of IMF Economic Reform Programs on Public Health Performance, Matthew Hoddie and Caroline A. Hartzell

Religious Discrimination and International Crises: International Effects of Domestic Inequality, Özgür Özdamar and Yasemin Akbaba

Minorities on 'Civilizational' Fault Lines: An Assessment of Religious Discrimination, Gonul Tol and Yasemin Akbaba


Ethnicity, Religion and Foreign Policy: Turkish-Syrian Relations Since the 1980s, Yasemin Akbaba and Özgür Özdamar

Understanding Support for the War in Iraq during the Bush Years: Differences in Civilian and Military Opinion, Roy A. Dawes and Hunter Bacot


Transitions from War to Peace, Caroline A. Hartzell

Congressional Parties, Institutional Ambition, and the Financing of Majority Control, Eric S. Heberlig and Bruce A. Larson

Externally Mandated Economic Liberalization and the Onset of Civil Conflict, Matthew Hoddie and Caroline A. Hartzell


The Durability of Peace, Caroline A. Hartzell and Amy Yuen

Inventors of Ideas: An Introduction to Western Political Philosophy, Donald G. Tannenbaum


Did Secularism Fail? The Rise of Religion in Turkish Politics, Zeynep Taydas, Yasemin Akbaba, and Minion K.C. Morrison


Religious Discrimination against Muslim Minorities in Christian Majority Countries: A Unique Case?, Yasemin Akbaba and Jonathan Fox

Culture vs. Rational Choice: Assessing the Causes of Religious Discrimination in Muslim States, Yasemin Akbaba, Jonathan Fox, and Ani Sarkissian



Women's Leadership and Third-Wave Feminism, Kathleen P. Iannello



Interview with Arthur Bruce Boenau, June 9, 2005, Arthur Bruce Boenau and Michael J. Birkner



Interview with Edward Bulleit, January 7, 1997, Edward Bulleit, Michael J. Birkner, and David Hedrick



Decisions Without Hierarchy: Feminist Interventions in Organization Theory and Practice, Kathleen P. Iannello