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Play is an important part of normal childhood development and can be readily studied in the laboratory rat in the form of rough‐and‐tumble play. Given the robust nature of rough‐and‐tumble play, it has often been assumed that the basal ganglia would have a prominent role in modulating this behavior. Recent work using c‐fos expression as a metabolic marker for neural activity combined with temporary inactivation of relevant corticostriatal regions and pharmacological manipulations of opioid, cannabinoid, and dopamine systems has led to a better understanding of how basal ganglia circuitry may be involved in modulating social play in the juvenile rat. Studies using selective play deprivation have also provided insight into the consequences of playful experiences on basal ganglia function. Data reviewed in this paper support a role for the basal ganglia in social play and also suggest that corticostriatal functioning also benefits from playful activities.
Copyright Note
This is the authors's version of the work. This publication appears in Gettysburg College's institutional repository by permission of the copyright owner for personal use, not for redistribution.
Accepted Manuscript/Postprint
Recommended Citation
Siviy, S. M. (2019). Basal ganglia involvement in the playfulness of juvenile rats. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 97(12), 1521-1527.
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