Faculty publications from the Philosophy Department at Gettysburg College.



Institutionalized Expertise: Trust, Rejection, and Ignorance, Daniel R. DeNicola

Liberal Education, Moral Agency, and a Flourishing Life, Daniel R. DeNicola


It Ain’t Necessarily So: Ludwig Boltzmann’s Darwinian Notion of Entropy, Steven Gimbel

'Where the enemy is mighty, one must be clever': Peone, Vico, and Guareschi on Power in Humor, Steven Gimbel and Alan R. Perry

The Chai-Light Zone: Rod Serling, Secular Jew, Steven Gimbel, Stephen J. Stern, and David DeAngelo

In on the Joke: The Ethics of Humor and Comedy, Steven Gimbel and Thomas Wilk

Joke Capital, Punching Up/Punching Down, and Accounting for the Ethical Relation between Joker and Target, Steven Gimbel and Thomas Wilk


To Have Done With the Death of Philosophy: Derrida’s Theory and Practice Seminar, Vernon W. Cisney and Ryder M. Hobbs

Rik Peels’ Ignorance: A Philosophical Study, Daniel R. DeNicola


African Metaphysics or African Existentialism?: Some Critical Remarks on Aribiah David Attoe’s “Groundwork for a New Kind of African Metaphysics”, Björn Freter


Mackie, Martin, and INUS in the Morning: Explaining Mackie’s INUS Conditions through the Humor of Demetri Martin, Steven Gimbel

Bild-ing Science: The Multiplicity of Bild-Types in Boltzmann, Steven Gimbel and Richard Lambert III


McTaggart, Whitehead, and a Virtue-based Approach to Aesthetics in Genres of Psychedelic Music, Steven Gimbel and Chandler Wyman


Fiddler on the Roth: A Post-Charlottesville Reinterpretation of Fiddler on the Roof, Stephen J. Stern and Steven Gimbel

Truth and Ideology in Classical China: Mohists vs Zhuangists, Mercedes Valmisa

Wang Bi and the Hermeneutics of Actualization, Mercedes Valmisa


A Reader in Moral Philosophy, Daniel R. DeNicola


Philosophers of Catastrophe: Early 20th Century Jewish Proponents and Opponents of Objectivity in Science, Steven Gimbel and Stephen J. Stern

Feminist Philosophy of Humor, Amy Marvin

Short-Circuited Trans Care, t4t, and Trans Scenes, Amy Marvin

Personal Memories of the Early Analytic Philosophers: Analytic Logic/Synthetic Lives, Jeffrey Maynes and Steven Gimbel

We've Come Through It Again: The Skin of Our Teeth, the Myth of Sisyphus, and Thornton Wilder's American Existentialism, Susan Frances Russell, Steven Gimbel, and Jennifer Gaffney

Reclaiming the Wicked Son: Finding Judaism in Secular Jewish Philosophers, Stephen J. Stern and Steven Gimbel


We Are Interwoven Beings, Mercedes Valmisa


Decolonial Philosophical Praxis Exemplified Through Superiorist and Adseredative Understandings of Development, Björn Freter


Adapting: A Chinese Philosophy of Action, Mercedes Valmisa

What is a Situation?, Mercedes Valmisa


Stereotype Threat, Identity, and the Disruption of Habit, Nathifa Greene

Let Justice Be Done: Writings from American Abolitionists, 1688-1865, Kerry S. Walters


Deep Fakes and Computer Vision: The Paradox of New Images, Lisa Portmess

Paul van Els, The Wenzi: Creativity and Intertextuality in Early Chinese Philosophy. Studies in the History of Chinese Texts, 9. Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2018. xiv, 233 pp., Mercedes Valmisa

The Happy Slave Isn't Free: Relational Autonomy and Freedom in the Zhuangzi, Mercedes Valmisa

The Reification of Fate in Early China, Mercedes Valmisa

對中國哲學的「漢學挑戰」:一個從後學科角度出發的回應/The ‘Sinological Challenge’ to Chinese Philosophy: A Response from a Post-Disciplinary Perspective, Mercedes Valmisa


Faith Matters: Reflections on the Christian Life, Kerry S. Walters

Harriet Tubman: A Life in American History, Kerry S. Walters



Can the Philanthropic Imperative Enhance International Health Care?, Paul Carrick


Deleuze and Derrida: Difference and the Power of the Negative, Vernon W. Cisney


The Poststructuralist Broom of Wallace’s System: A Conversation Between Wittgenstein and Derrida, Vernon W. Cisney


A New Vision of Liberal Education: The Good of the Unexamined Life, Daniel R. DeNicola


Moral Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction, Daniel R. DeNicola


You Don't Have a Right to Believe Whatever You Want To, Daniel R. DeNicola

Post-truth: Marcuse and New Forms of Social Control, Lisa Portmess

Saint Oscar Romero: Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Kerry S. Walters



American Populism Shouldn’t Have to Embrace Ignorance, Daniel R. DeNicola

Understanding Ignorance: The Surprising Impact of What We Don’t Know, Daniel R. DeNicola

Isn't That Clever: A Philosophical Account of Humor and Comedy, Steven Gimbel


The Passion of the Infant Christ: Critical Edition, Caryll Houselander and Kerry S. Walters

Living Currency, Pierre Klossowski, Daniel W. Smith, Nicolae Morar, and Vernon W. Cisney


Between Foucault and Derrida, Yubraj Aryal, Vernon W. Cisney, Nicolae Morar, and Christopher Penfield

The Way of Nature and the Way of Grace: Philosophical Footholds on Terrence Malick's 'The Tree of Life', Jonathan Beever and Vernon W. Cisney


All the World Is Shining, and Love Is Smiling through All Things: The Collapse of the "Two Ways" in 'The Tree of Life', Vernon W. Cisney


Provocations in Consideration of Thomas Nail's The Figure of the Migrant, Vernon W. Cisney


Of Boards and the Discourse of Doom, Daniel R. DeNicola


The Republic of Ignorance, Daniel R. DeNicola


The Republic of Ignorance, Daniel R. DeNicola

Perfect Joy: 30 Days with Francis of Assisi, Kerry S. Walters

St. Teresa of Calcutta: Missionary, Mother, Mystic, Kerry S. Walters



Biopower: Foucault and Beyond, Vernon W. Cisney and Nicolae Morar

Higher Education, the Professions, and the Place of Expertise, Daniel R. DeNicola


April Fools’ Day, A Celebration of All Things Creative, Steven Gimbel


Einstein: His Space and Times, Steven Gimbel


Digital Peacekeepers, Drone Surveillance and Information Fusion: A Philosophical Analysis of New Peacekeeping, Lisa Portmess and Bassam Romaya

American Slave Revolts and Conspiracies, Kerry S. Walters

Elihu Palmer (1764-1806), Kerry S. Walters

Junipero Serra: A Short Biography, Kerry S. Walters

Nicholas Romayne (1756-1817), Kerry S. Walters

Richard Stockton (1730-1781), Kerry S. Walters


Snark Wars, Kerry S. Walters



Becoming-Other: Foucault, Deleuze, and the Political Nature of Thought, Vernon W. Cisney


Derrida's Voice and Phenomenon: An Edinburgh Philosophical Guide, Vernon W. Cisney


Liberal Education (An Overview), Daniel R. DeNicola


Reflections on Reading Plato and Aristotle at Lancaster, Daniel R. DeNicola


An Ernie Banks Season, Steven Gimbel

Data Barns, Ambient Intelligence and Cloud Computing: The Tacit Epistemology and Linguistic Representation of Big Data, Lisa Portmess and Sara W. Tower


Orange Is the New Golgotha, Kerry S. Walters


Outbreak in Washington, DC: The 1857 Mystery of the National Hotel Disease, Kerry S. Walters

Profiles in Christian Courage: Extraordinary Inspiration for Everyday Life, Kerry S. Walters


Rachel Weeping: A Christian Pacifist Reluctantly Endorses Military Strikes Against ISIS, Kerry S. Walters


All Things in Mind: Panpsychist Elements in Spinoza, Deleuze, and Peirce, Jonathan Beever and Vernon W. Cisney


Liberal Education and Moral Education, Daniel R. DeNicola

A Letter Concerning Toleration, John Locke and Kerry S. Walters


Mobile Knowledge, Karma Points, and Digital Peers: The Tacit Epistemology and Linguistic Representation of MOOCs, Lisa Portmess

Confronting Cyber Warfare: Rethinking the Ethics of Cyber War, Bassam Romaya and Lisa Portmess


We Say NO! The Plain Man’s Guide to Pacifism, H.R. L. Sheppard and Kerry S. Walters


Explosion on the Potomac: The 1844 Calamity Aboard the USS Princeton, Kerry S. Walters


Giving Up god… to Find God: Breaking Free of Idolatry, Kerry S. Walters

John Paul II: A Short Biography, Kerry S. Walters

John XXIII: A Short Biography, Kerry S. Walters

Lincoln, the Rise of the Republicans, and the Coming of the Civil War: A Reference Guide, Kerry S. Walters


Blessed Peacemakers: 365 Extraordinary People Who Changed the World, Kerry S. Walters and Robin Jarrell



Aldo Leopold’s Concept of Land Health: Implications for Sound Public Health Policy, Paul Carrick

A Devil’s Trick of Opposites, Gary F. Ciocco

Learning to Flourish: A Philosophical Exploration of Liberal Education, Daniel R. DeNicola

Einstein's Jewish Science: Physics at the Intersection of Politics and Religion, Steven Gimbel

The Underground Railroad: A Reference Guide, Kerry S. Walters

Vegetarianism: A Guide for the Perplexed, Kerry S. Walters



Friends, Foes, and Nel Noddings on Liberal Education, Daniel R. DeNicola



Evolution and the Second Law of Thermodynamics: Effectively Communicating to Non-Technicians, Alexander Schreiber and Steven Gimbel



Deep Ecology and End-of-Life Care, Paul Carrick