Gettysburg College Headquarters
The Gettysburg College Headquarters is an open access, peer-reviewed, undergraduate research journal that publishes works from specific fields in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Visual Arts. Our goals align with those of Gettysburg College in that we seek to foster and present outstanding undergraduate student works from diverse academic backgrounds.
Current Volume: Volume 2 (2023)
Full Issue
“A Freedom Rider Before Freedom Rides:” Jackie Robinson Beyond Baseball
Amy Elizabeth Cantrell
Climate Change: The Ultimate Cereal Killer: The Impact of Temperature and Precipitation on Agricultural Yields
Hayley Huber, Robert Salita, and Ruth Abraham
The Effect of Trading Volume on Stock Price
Jackson Dino

Editorial Team
- General Editors
- RJ Lehal
- Marissa Honeycutt
- Section Editors
- Katie Oglesby
- Brenna Hadley