The Artist and the President: Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Painting Impulse and the Andrew Wyeth Connection, Michael Birkner
January 6 and the Politics of History, James Downs, Stephanie McCurry, Joanne Freeman, Elizabeth Hinton, Jill Lepore, William Sturkey, and Julian E. Zelizer
De l’ancrage d’une ville africaine: Abidjan, la mondialisation et le colonialisme tardif en Côte d'Ivoire, Abou B. Bamba
Winston Churchill in Manhattan, March 25, 1949, Michael Birkner
“Improve Their Condition While Making Them Useful”: Colonia General Conesa and the Dynamics of Settler Colonialism in Nineteenth-Century Argentina, Hannah Greenwald
Serpents of War: An American Officer's Story of World War I Combat and Captivity, Harry Dravo Parkin, Steven Trout, and Ian A. Isherwood
Lancaster in 1980, David Schuyler and Michael J. Birkner
In the Bushes: The Secret History of Anglo-Iroquois Treaty Making, Timothy J. Shannon
Peter Williamson, French and Indian Cruelty: A Modern Critical Edition, Timothy J. Shannon
“A quem o quizer colher”: as drogas do sertão e o Diretório dos Índios, Grão-Pará, 1757-1798, Barbara A. Sommer
Courting American Capital: Public Relations and the Business of Selling Ivorian Capitalism in the U.S., 1960-1980, Abou B. Bamba
Bringing Out the Vote: New Hampshire and the Presidential Campaign of 1952, Michael Birkner
Democracy's Shield: Voices of WWII, Michael J. Birkner, Grace E. Gallagher, and Rachel I. Main
Displacing the French? Ivorian Development and the Question of Economic Decolonisation, 1946–1975, Abou B. Bamba
The Long Civil War: New Explorations of America’s Enduring Conflict, Michael J. Birkner
Introduction: Ruminations on the ‘F’ and ‘B’ Words, Timothy J. Shannon
Interview with Frederick Weiser and Charles H. Glatfelter, Michael J. Birkner
The Warrior as Priest: Edmund Herring and the "Call to the People of Australia", Michael J. Birkner
The Worlds of James Buchanan and Thaddeus Stevens: Place, Personality and Politics in Civil War America, Michael J. Birkner, Randall M. Miller, and John W. Quist
The World Cup as World History, William D. Bowman
Going to the Source, Volume I: To 1877, Victoria Bissell Brown and Timothy J. Shannon
The First World War Letters of H.J.C. Peirs: A Digital History, Ian A. Isherwood, Amy E. Lucadamo, and R.C. Miessler
The Great War and the Digital Humanities: Creating a Project and Building a Team, Ian A. Isherwood, Amy E. Lucadamo, and R.C. Miessler
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall: A Place for Quiet Reflection, Carol Reardon
The Gettysburg Campaign, Carol Reardon
Atlantic Lives: A Comparative Approach to Early America, Timothy J. Shannon
Conflict, Alliance, Mobility, and Place in the Evolution of Identity in Portuguese Amazonia, Barbara A. Sommer
‘Mightier Than Marx’: Hassoldt Davis and American Cold War Politics in Postwar Ivory Coast, Abou B. Bamba
"Not so Fine": Governor John Fine and the 1952 Republican Presidential Nominating Struggle in Pennsylvania, Michael J. Birkner
The Battle FDR Lost:The Failed Nomination of Boss Ed Flynn as Minister to Australia, Michael J. Birkner
A Whole Lot of Blame to Go Around: The Confederate Collapse at Five Forks, Peter S. Carmichael
The Trophies of Victory and the Relics of Defeat: Returning Home in the Spring of 1865, Peter S. Carmichael
The War for the Common Soldier: How Men Thought, Fought, and Survived in Civil War Armies, Peter S. Carmichael
Reconstruction: A Concise History, Allen C. Guelzo
Abraham Lincoln's Life and Legacy, Allen C. Guelzo
Did Robert E. Lee Commit Treason?, Allen C. Guelzo
God and Mr. Lincoln, Allen C. Guelzo
In a Gilded Cage, Allen C. Guelzo
Is Trump the De-regulator-in-Chief?, Allen C. Guelzo
Lincoln’s Statesmanship in Navigating a Divided Nation, Allen C. Guelzo
Reconstruction as a Pure Bourgeois Revolution, Allen C. Guelzo
The History of Reconstruction’s Third Phase, Allen C. Guelzo
This is Why Republicans Can’t Shrug Off the Stormy Daniels Saga, Allen C. Guelzo
The Story of the 14th Amendment and America’s Second Founding, Allen C. Guelzo, Martha Jones, and Kurt Lash
From the Trenches: Cross-Campus Digital History Collaboration, Amy E. Lucadamo, Ian A. Isherwood, R.C. Miessler, Jenna Fleming, and Meghan E. O'Donnell
Common Cause: An Oral History of the World War II Home Front, Devin McKinney and Michael J. Birkner
Indian Captive, Indian King: Peter Williamson in America and Britain, Timothy J. Shannon
From Hackensack to the White House: The Triumph and Travail of E. Frederic Morrow, Michael J. Birkner
Ike's Leadership Lessons for New President, Michael J. Birkner
Monuments Ought to be Considered Case by Case, Michael J. Birkner
Eisenhower's Gettysburg Farm, Michael J. Birkner, Carol A. Hegeman, and Kevin Lavery
Is Ivory Coast Seeing a Second ‘Economic Miracle’?, Kim Yi Donne and Abou B. Bamba
College is Trade School for the Elite, Allen C. Guelzo
Defending Reconstruction, Allen C. Guelzo
First Trump, Now Clinton -- Investigative Hand-Grenades Keep Flying, Allen C. Guelzo
Free Speech and Its Present Crisis, Allen C. Guelzo
Honor and Compromise, and Getting History Right, Allen C. Guelzo
How Hard Is It to Drain a Swamp?, Allen C. Guelzo
Lincoln’s Forgotten Middle Years, Allen C. Guelzo
Play American, Allen C. Guelzo
Robert E. Lee and Slavery, Allen C. Guelzo
Should we Banish Robert E. Lee & his Confederate Friends? Let's Talk., Allen C. Guelzo
The Rusher Who Wouldn't Take the Knee, Allen C. Guelzo
Triumph of the Will: The Protestant Reformation’s Descent into Narcissism, Allen C. Guelzo
What if the South had Won the Civil War? 4 Sci-Fi Scenarios for HBO's 'Confederate', Allen C. Guelzo
Commentary: California Secessionists Channel Logic of Southern Slaveholders, Allen C. Guelzo and James H. Hulme
Commentary: Challenging Three Electoral College Indictments, Allen C. Guelzo and James H. Hulme
Commentary: Will the Courts Make Trump's Presidency Less Imperial?, Allen C. Guelzo and James H. Hulme
In Defense of the Electoral College, Allen C. Guelzo and James H. Hulme
The Hancock-Walker Correspondence on Gettysburg, Allen C. Guelzo and Brianna E. Kirk
Don't Fall for the Lies Behind Trump's Calls for Unity, Scott Hancock
In Gettysburg, the Confederacy Won, Scott Hancock
Un Nouveau Miracle Économique Ivoirien?, Vincent Hiribarren and Abou B. Bamba
A 'Wicked Commerce': Consent, Coercion, and Kidnapping in Aberdeen's Servant Trade, Timothy J. Shannon
The Baubles of America: Object Lessons from the Eclectic Empire of Peter Williamson, Timothy J. Shannon
African Miracle, African Mirage: Transnational Politics and the Paradox of Modernization in Ivory Coast, Abou B. Bamba
Producing an Imperial Bridgehead: The Making of Abidjan in Ivory Coast, 1908-1955, Abou B. Bamba
Commentary: Echoes of '64 Campaign in Toomey-McGinty Race, Michael J. Birkner
James Buchanan, 1791-1868, Michael J. Birkner
Three Things Putin Will Love About Trump, William D. Bowman
The Future of Civil War History, James J. Broomall, Peter S. Carmichael, and Jill Ogline Titus
Going to the Source: The Bedford Reader in American History, Victoria Bissell Brown and Timothy J. Shannon
Relevance, Resonance, and Historiography: Interpreting the Lives and Experiences of Civil War Soldiers, Peter S. Carmichael
A Springfield Education, Allen C. Guelzo
Commentary: 14th Amendment Laid Foundation of Civil Liberties, Allen C. Guelzo
Commentary: What It Means To Be A Citizen, Allen C. Guelzo
Four Roads to Emancipation: Lincoln, the Law, and the Proclamation, Allen C. Guelzo
Great Emancipator was Radical of his Day: Lincoln Opposed Economic Injustice, Allen C. Guelzo
The Lincoln-Douglas Solution, Allen C. Guelzo
Another Day in Confederate Gettysburg, Scott Hancock
Early Modern Dynastic Marriages and Cultural Transfer, Joan-Lluís Palos and Magdalena S. Sanchez
‘She Grows Careless’: The Infanta Catalina Micaela and Spanish Etiquette at the Court of Savoy, Magdalena S. Sanchez
Iroquoia, Timothy J. Shannon
What About That Pursuit of Happiness?, Timothy J. Shannon
Conspicuous, Yet Invisible: Migration, Whiteness and the French Residents of Ivory Coast, 1950–1985, Abou B. Bamba
Burnishing Buchanan's Brand on his Birthday, Michael J. Birkner
Governing New Jersey: Reflections on the Publication of a Revised and Expanded Edition of 'The Governors of New Jersey', Michael J. Birkner
Lancastrians Marched with Dr. King in Selma, Michael J. Birkner
Paving the Way to Scandal: History Repeats Itself, Michael J. Birkner
Encounters with Eisenhower: Personal Reminiscences Collected to Mark the 125th Anniversary of the Birth of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Michael J. Birkner and Devin McKinney