Content Posted in 2021
3rd Party, Sam M. Arkin
Access Challenge for Public Health Students, Janelle Wertzberger and Amy B. Dailey
Acute Mountain Sickness, Efrain De Leon Angon
Adapting: A Chinese Philosophy of Action, Mercedes Valmisa
Additive Modulation of DNA-DNA Interactions by Interstitial Ions, Wei Meng, Raju Timsina, Abby Bull, Kurt Andresen, and Xiangyun Qiu
A Dollar Bill, Two Paperclips, and A Question, Rachel Nori
A Friday Afternoon in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Drew C. Warren
All Your Basecamp are Belong to Us: Managing Undergraduates to Create a DH Toolkit, R.C. Miessler and Kevin Moore
Along Ideological Lines: Examining Support for Black Lives Matter, Caden E. Giordano
Analysis of an ODE Model for Sea Turtle Populations with Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination, Lindsey A. Ukishima
Analyzing Alternative Modes of Transportation & Carbon Footprint in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Sean M. Gallagher and Paul C. Krakoviak
An Education in Hate: The “Granite Foundation” of Adolf Hitler’s Antisemitism in Vienna, Madeleine M. Neiman
A Paternal Tribute to Long Ago and Far Away, Jenna L. Pavis
APPC Minutes - August 25, 2020, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - August 31, 2021, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - December 1, 2020, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - February 16, 2021, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - February 23, 2021, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - February 9, 2021, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - March 2, 2021, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - March 9, 2021, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - November 10, 2020, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - November 17, 2020, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - November 2, 2021, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - November 3, 2020, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - October 19, 2021, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - October 26, 2021, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - September 14, 2021, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - September 15, 2020, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - September 29, 2020, Provost's Office
APPC Minutes - September 7, 2021, Provost's Office
“Around we go”: The Apocalypse as Revolution and Revelation in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas, Emma G. Schilling
Articulation, Sydney Kaplan
Ashen Winter, Grace Bushway
A Study of Groupthink and Multiple Advocacy in Presidential Foreign Policy Fiascos, Ethan S. Wilt
A temporal study on subordinate’s response to destructive leadership: voice withdrawal as a conflict coping mechanism, Agrata Pandey, Ranjeet Nambudiri, Patturaja Selvaraj, and Ashish Sadh
Attracting Newcomers to Canada’s Prairie West, 1896-1905: The Selling of the West and the Persuasiveness within the Government’s Promotional Booklets, Joshua L. Switzer
Australia and A Wire Through the Heart, Addison E. Lomax
Autumn’s City, Jenna L. Pavis
Barmaids: A History of Women’s Work in Pubs, by Diane Kirkby, Lindsay R. Richwine
Bartolomeo Ammannati, Felicia M. Else
Best Practices among Certain Classes of Pennsylvania Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), Anne S. Douds, Logan C. Grubb, and Jared A. Michaels
#Bopo: The Effect of Body Positive Social Media Content on Women’s Mood and Self-compassion, Hope R. Rutter, Kaley M. Michael, Brittany J. Repak, Cindy J. Campoverde-Reinoso, Thao Hoang, and Kathy R. Berenson
Boroughs and the Badge: Local Contexts and Confidence in Police, Henry F. Goodson
Breonna’s Law: The Genesis, Not the Culmination, for Policy Response to Violent Confrontation during No-Knock Search Warrants, Ethan S. Wilt
Bright Light, Demaro A. Ricketts
Building a Green Dorm: How Colleges and Universities Across America have Embraced Sustainable Communal Living, Theresa M. Blickenstaff
Canopy Cover, Impermeability, and Green Space in Pennsylvania Redlined Neighborhoods, Alyssa A. Cassini
Carrying Loss, Hallie S. Wilk
Change Happens Here, Musselman Library, Gettysburg College
Chile, 1833: Debate Mediático, Relato Político y Continuidad Institucional, Alvaro Kaempfer
Close, But No Cigar: Tobacco Usage During the Civil War Era, Benjamin M. Roy
Colonial/Modern Gender System & Femicides, Melanie Pangol
Comparative Study of the Rates of Dispersal of Triadica sebifera (Chinese Tallow) and Imperata Cylindrica (Japanese Blood Grass) in North America, Jamie W. Dinella and Meem Noshin Nawal Khan
Confirmation Bias Susceptibility: Social Domains, Metacognitive Self, and Gender, Emily N. Roush
Contextual Support of Environmental Protection, Emma R. Groff
Continuity and Rupture in Roman Mediterranean Gaul: An Archaeology of Colonial Transformations at Ancient Lattara, Benjamin P. Luley
Courage, Cynthia L. S. Pury, Alice M. Brawley Newlin, Emily A. Burnett, and Shane J. Lopez
Crafting National Memory from News: Lope de Vega’s La nueva victoria de don Gonzalo de Córdoba, Christopher C. Oechler
Creating a Home Base for Treatment in Homeless Courts, Kyle C. Troeger
Criminal Justice Update - April 2021, Haley B. Shultz
Criminal Justice Update - August 2021, Patrick Mahoney
Criminal Justice Update - February 2021, Haley B. Shultz
Criminal Justice Update - January 2021, Haley B. Shultz
Criminal Justice Update - July 2021, Patrick Mahoney
Criminal Justice Update - June 2021, Patrick Mahoney
Criminal Justice Update - March 2021, Haley B. Shultz
Criminal Justice Update - May 2021, Haley B. Shultz
Criminal Justice Update - November 2021, Patrick Mahoney
Criminal Justice Update - October 2021, Patrick Mahoney
Criminal Justice Updates - December 2020, Haley B. Shultz
Criminal Justice Update - September 2021, Patrick Mahoney
Crooked Initials and the Absence of a Second Ride, Jenna L. Pavis
Cryotherapy, Emma E. Bedell
Cuisine and Feasting in the Copan and Lower Ulua Valleys in Honduras, Julia A. Hendon
Dead of Night, Jackie McMahon
Developing Community-Based Learning in an Action Model Framework: Faculty Reflect on their Development as Teachers and Scholars, Kathleen M. Cain, Amy Dailey, Kim Davidson, Gretchen Natter, Megan Adamson Sijapati, and Divonna M. Stebick
Digital German-Jewish Futures: Experiential Learning, Activism, and Entertainment., Kerry Wallach
Digital Humanities Toolkit, Emma K. Lewis, R.C. Miessler, Kevin Moore, and Emma J. Poff
Displacing the French? Ivorian Development and the Question of Economic Decolonisation, 1946–1975, Abou B. Bamba
Distance and Petunias, Autumn Brendle
Diversity, Continuity, and Disjuncture: Approaching Multivocal Perspectives on Being Muslim in the Himalaya, Jacqueline H. Fewkes and Megan Adamson Sijapati
Diversity & Inclusion Update - Fall 2020, Office of Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity in Native American Literature, Sarah E. Guistwite
Doing Archaeology Outside of the Trench: Energizing Museum “Diaspora” Collections for Research, Yoko Nishimura
Dolce e con Affetto, Madeleine M. Neiman
Dragonfly Thoughts, Emily T. Miller
Dr. Seuss and Uncle Sam, Ziv R. Carmi
Earl, 1919, Madeleine M. Neiman
Employee Voice Implications for Innovation in a Deliberative Environment Context of Indian Organizations, Patturaja Selvaraj and Jerome Joseph
Energy Demand and Economic Growth: Public Opinion and Mutual Exclusivity, Nicholas L. Silvis
Evaluation of the Federal Writers' Project, Brenna M. Hadley
Everyday Religiosity and Extraordinary Experiences: Nepali Muslim Narratives of Hajj, Megan Adamson Sijapati
Examining the Influence of Cosmetics on Jury Decisions., Carlota Batres and Richard Russell
Examining the Relationship Between Legal Origin and Levels of Economic Globalization, Maeve B. Dwyer
Excerpt of Cumberland: "From Someone Who Appreciates You, XOXO", Jenna L. Pavis
Faculty and Student Perspectives on Open Education at Gettysburg College, Mary R. Elmquist, Janelle Wertzberger, Alice M. Brawley Newlin, Natasha J. Gownaris, Christopher C. Oechler, and Ryan E. Nedrow
Faculty Meeting Minutes - April 15, 2021., Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - August 20, 2020., Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - February 18, 2021., Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - February 4, 2021., Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - March 18, 2020., Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - March 4, 2021., Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - May 6, 2021., Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - November 19, 2020., Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - October 1, 2020., Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - October 15, 2020., Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - October 22, 2020., Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - September 17, 2020., Provost's Office
Faculty Meeting Minutes - September 3, 2020., Provost's Office
Fall 2020 Friends of Musselman Library Newsletter
Featured Pieces, Michael Birkner and Ian A. Isherwood
Feminism, Religion, and Work in the United States, Margaret R. Halpin
Finding and Explaining Discrepancies in Beliefs and Actions: Understanding Implicit Racism in Christianity, Jaycob S. Applegate and James N. Maples
Flag, Sam M. Arkin
For Life or Choice: Abortion Views in America, Alyssa C. Ritchie
Friends of Musselman Library Newsletter Fall 2021, Musselman Library
Friends of Musselman Library Newsletter Fall 2021 - Special Supplement, Musselman Library
Friends of Musselman Library Newsletter Spring 2021, Musselman Library
Friends of Musselman Library Newsletter Spring 2021 - Special Supplement, Musselman Library
From Bankers to Farmers: Finding a Sustainable Model for an Undergraduate Summer DH Program, R.C. Miessler and Kevin Moore
From Georgian England to the Arctic: Gender and Cultural Transformation in the Samuel Hearne Expeditions (1769-1772), Bridget B. Kennedy
From Obama to Trump to Biden: U.S. Involvement and Policy Tactics in the Yemeni Civil War, Anthony (Sungho) Choi and Patrick Mahoney
From the Yellow Springs to the Land of Immortality, Sam Arkin, Georgia E. Benz, Allie N. Beronilla, Hailey L. Dedrick, Sophia Gravenstein, Alyssa G. Gubernick, Elizabeth C. Hobbs, Jennifer R. Johnson, Emily Lashendock, Georgia P. Morgan, Amanda J. Oross, Deirdre Sullivan, Margaret G. Sullivan, Hannah C. Turner, Lyndsey J. Winick, and Yan Sun
From Uneven Bars to Uneven Barriers: The Marginalization of Black Women in Gymnastics, Chinaza K. Asiegbu
Gettysburg 1963: Civil Rights, Cold War Politics, and Historical Memory in America’s Most Famous Small Town, Jill Ogline Titus
Gettysburg College Fact Book 2020-21, Office of Institutional Analysis
Gettysburg Historical Journal 2021
Ghost Stories, Natalie M. Orga
Girl Talk: How Friendships between Moravian and Native Women Sustained the Moravian Mission at Shamokin Pennsylvania, 1742–1749, Lindsay R. Richwine
Greenhouse Gas Inventory of Transportation and Driving Habits at Gettysburg College, Flavia Soctto d'Antuono and Megan G. Wojnar
Hans Staden's Warhaftige Historia: How a Tale of Brazilian Captivity Affirmed Staden's Protestant Identity, Joy Zanghi
Hard and Soft Law in the Paris Climate Agreement, Carter A. Hanson
Homosexuality During the Transition from Weimar Republic to Third Reich, Abigail Minzer
Hope, Hannah C. Lindert
Household Archaeology and the Ancient Maya, Julia A. Hendon
“Hoy escribiré una carta”: The News of Siege Warfare in Calderón’s El sitio de Bredá, Christopher C. Oechler
Impending; He Who Paints the Sky, Hallie S. Wilk
Implications of Increased SST on Sula Dactylatra in Rapa Nui Marine Park, Flavia Soctto d'Antuono and Hayden E. Dubniczki
In Answer to the Question: What is a Grave?, Katelyn E. Oglesby
Indigenous Media: Dialogic Resistance to Climate Disruption, Salma Monani, Reneta Ryan Burchfield, Danika Medak-Saltzman, and William Lempert
Inequitable Impacts of Textbook Costs at a Small, Private College: Results from a Textbook Survey at Gettysburg College, Sarah Appedu, Mary Elmquist, Janelle Wertzberger, and Sharon K. Birch
In Response to, What is Sugar?, Nishat Tasnim
International Travel and Its Impacts on Black/African American Identity Construction, Jordan K. Knox
Introduction: Ruminations on the ‘F’ and ‘B’ Words, Timothy J. Shannon
Introduction to Assembly Language Programming: From Soup to Nuts: ARM Edition, Charles W. Kann
Investigar en el contexto de las humanidades digitales y del español LE/L2, Beatriz Trigo
Invisible Labor: Job Satisfaction and Exploitation Among Female Domestic Workers in Pakistan, Ajwa Zulfiqar
Is Bertrand Baddie Right?, Sudarshan Pujari
Is Classifying Uber Drivers as Independent Contractors Really a Bad Thing?, Kyleigh A. Dinnien
It's Funny 'Cause It's True: The Lighthearted Philosophers’ Society’s Introduction to Philosophy through Humor, Jennifer Marra Henrigillis and Steven Gimbel
JCCTL Mailer – August 10, 2020, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer – August 19, 2020, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer – August 3, 2020, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer – February 26, 2021, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer – January 14, 2021, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer – January 19, 2021, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer – January 28, 2021, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer - July 10, 2020, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer - July 16, 2020, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer – July 24, 2020, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer - June 29, 2020, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer – November 17, 2020, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer – October 7, 2020, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer – September 22, 2020, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer – September 29, 2020, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer – September 4, 2020, Josef Brandauer
JCCTL Mailer – September 7, 2020, Josef Brandauer
Jim Jarmusch's Paterson: Poetry, Place, and Cinematic Form, Jack Ryan
John B. Bachelder’s Artistic Vision for the Gettysburg Battlefield, Shannon R. Zeltmann
LAWS: Prospects of Regulation, Sam M. Arkin
Letter from the Editors, Lillian Shea and Christopher T. Lough
Letting it Out, Natalie M. Orga
Linn Run, Kayla Julio
Making Health Education Healthier: How Medical Schools Use Bias Training and Intersectional Theory to Reduce Implicit Bias, Madeleine N. Miller
Making it happen: Keeping precarious workers’ experiences central during COVID-19, Sergio M. Marquez, Jo M. Alanis, and Alice M. Brawley Newlin
Making the Switch, Natalie M. Orga
Manual de Gramática y Composición, Christopher C. Oechler
Medusa's Dream, Natalie M. Orga
Memoirs: Negotiating the Great War’s Social Memory, Ian A. Isherwood
Memory, Identity, and World II in Australia: Liz Reed's "Bigger Than Gallipoli", Christopher T. Lough
Mesoamerican Archaeology: Theory and Practice, 2nd edition, Julia A. Hendon, Lisa Overholtzer, and Rosemary A. Joyce
Mexico and the People: Revolutionary Printmaking and the Taller De Gráfica Popular, Carolyn Hauk and Joy Zanghi
Military Occupation, Sexual Violence, and the Struggle over Masculinity in The early Reconstruction South, Cameron T. Sauers
(mis)Management of multiple tensions and coexisting conflicting dualities during restructuring: a paradox theory perspective from an emerging economy, Nobin Thomas, Rajesh Kaduba Mokale, and Patturaja Selvaraj
Muslim Communities and Cultures of the Himalayas: Conceptualizing the Global Ummah, Jacqueline H. Fewkes and Megan Adamson Sijapati
Musselman Library Inclusion Action Plan - December 2020, Musselman Library
My Great Dream, Hannah Evans
Nathifa Greene, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Musselman Library and Nathifa Greene
Naturalistic Child Observation, Rachel Bradley
Navidades de Madrid y noches entretenidas: edición digital de seis novelas, Destiny Acevedo, Juliet Aguilera Gonzalez, Kiley C. Aymar, Meredith E. Brown, Erika N. Calle, Jennifer G. Clogg, Matthew L. Coe, Giacomo Coppola, Lauren N. Coughlin, Evan J. Czulada, Olivia R. Duffy, Timothy T. Fay, Luke O. Ferris, Audrey C. Glas, Isabelle Gueits, Ian Holden, Kayla R. Julio, Hannah E. Lough, Zoe I. Marinacci, Olivia S. Matto, Kaley M. Michael, Julia M. Piness, Erica K. Reiss, Jaida B. Sanchez, Lucas T. Toglia, Christian D. Tolino, Amanda M. Vinges, Anita L. Woofenden, and Christopher C. Oechler
New Developments in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Arden M. Scheetz
New Student Journal: The Headquarters
Not My Type, Autumn Brendle
Not Now, Not Ever. Not on my Watch, Jenna L. Pavis
Ode to a Second Moon, Julia M. Chin
Our Greatest Weapon: The Rhetoric of Invasion in Arrival and Independence Day, Emma G. Schilling
Painting Outside of the Lines: How Race Assignment can be Rethought Through Art, Giovanni Mella-Velazquez
Pair Formation in Insect Swarms Driven by Adaptive Long-Range Interactions, Dan Gorbonos, James G. Puckett, Kasper van der Vaart, Michael Sinhuber, Nicholas T. Ouellette, and Nir S. Gov
Paris, the End of the Party in Alberto Blest Gana's Los Trasplantados, Alvaro Kaempfer
Peaches and Cream, Margaret G. Sullivan
Peekaboo, Katherine A. Mangione
Peer Research Mentors at Gettysburg College, Meggan D. Smith, Mallory R. Jallas, Clinton K. Baugess, and Janelle Wertzberger
Perceptions of Bystander Intervention: Surveying Students’ Relationship to Sexual Misconduct, Emma G. Padrick
Pinkie Promise, Kailey White
Place Me in Gettysburg: Relating Sexuality to Environment, Kylie R. Mandeville
Planned Policy Action, Nicole T. Cesanek
Potentially Terminal Conditions: Economic Globalization and Ecological Footprint, Raymond A. Wiseley
Public Support for Black Lives Matter, Lilian A. Morrell
Purple Tulips, Alicia Method
Queer and Trans Necropolitics in the Afterlife of U.S. Empire, Gina Velasco
Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions by An Inter-Temporal Policy Mix: An Experimental Investigation, Tiho Ancev, Rimvydas Baltaduonis, and Elizabeth Immer-Bernold
Review of David Naze, Reclaming 42, Jack Ryan
Review of Jay Howard Geller, The Scholems: A Story of the German-Jewish Bourgeoisie from Emancipation to Destruction, Kerry Wallach
Review of Ken Bensinger, Red Card, Jack Ryan
Review of Mike O'Mahony, Photography and Sport, Jack Ryan
Review of Sarah Wobick-Segev, Homes Away from Home: Jewish Belonging in Twentieth-Century Paris, Berlin, and St. Petersburg, Kerry Wallach
Review: War Stories by Gabrielle Atwood Halko, R.C. Miessler
Rhabdomyolysis and COVID-19, Brett T. Swanson
Road Running, Alicia Method
Sanctuary in the City of Brotherly Love: Probing the Effectiveness and Broader Implications of Philadelphia’s Sanctuary City Policies, Thomas A. Koenig
Scholarly Communications Report on Activities 2020-21, Janelle L. Wertzberger and Mary R. Elmquist
Sensitivity to Reward and Punishment in Borderline and Avoidant Personality Disorders, Kathy R. Berenson, Sarah M. Van De Weet, Stella Nicalaou, Cindy Campoverde, Eshkol Rafaeli, and Geraldine Downey
'Shut Up and Take the Mellon Money!': Adapting a Library-Led Digital Humanities Program to Accommodate Grant Funding., R.C. Miessler and Kevin Moore
Sk8, Autumn Brendle
Spectacles from the Seventies, Jenna L. Pavis
Stairway to Heaven, Katherine A. Mangione
Stereotype Threat, Identity, and the Disruption of Habit, Nathifa Greene
Student Satisfaction with Academic Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Differences by Course Modality, Suhua Dong
Student Textbook Surveys: An Important Component of a Library OER Initiative, Janelle Wertzberger, Amanda Langdon, Andrea Hartranft, and Mary Elmquist
Swimming Lessons, Eleanor Gross
Tegallalang Rice Terrace, Sara Read
Terrorism in Your Brain: The Battles of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Paul W. Asper
Textbook Remix: An Introduction to LibreTexts for OER Editing, Mary Elmquist and Alice M. Brawley Newlin
The Complex Relationship between Jews and African Americans in the Context of the Civil Rights Movement, Hannah Labovitz
The Consent of the Governed, Carter A. Hanson
The Contradictions of Freedom: Depictions of Freedwomen in Illustrated Newspapers, 1865-1867, Carolyn Hauk
The Dark Triad: Pathological Personality Traits, Brett S. Burton
The DH Toolkit: A Collaborative, Open, and Extensible Experiment in Pedagogy., R.C. Miessler and Kevin Moore
The Effects of Economic and Political Globalization on Level of Democracy, Julianna R. Pestretto
The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia: An Extraordinary Success or an Ordinary Failure?, Vamika Jain
The Function of Memory from the Warsaw Ghetto as Presented by the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Hannah M. Labovitz
The Gettysburg Social Sciences Review Spring 2021
The Grim Necessity, Brett Anderson
The History and Development of the Hopelessness Depression Theory, Harrison Combs
The Intersection of an Epidemic and Pandemic: Smoking, Risk-Taking, and COVID-19, Allison H. Stranick
The Invisible Hurdle: Biases Investors Have Against Sustainable Investing, Kerry E. Ullman
The Jewish Vamp of Berlin: Actress Maria Orska, Typecasting, and Jewish Women, Kerry Wallach
The Lake, Eleanor Gross
The Long Branch, Eleanor Gross
The Long Civil War: New Explorations of America’s Enduring Conflict, Michael J. Birkner
The Long-Term Impact of First-Year Seminars, Qin Zhang and Suhua Dong
The Moment I Knew I Loved My Brother, Lyndsey Nedrow
The Music of Brian Balmages, Volume 1, Russell G. McCutcheon
The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Richard Flanagan, Patrick R. Sullivan
The Physiology of the Circadian Rhythm, Jessica S. Ken-Kwofie
The Politics of Dissent: How Living Within the Truth Threatens Autocracy and Catalyzes Democratic Progress, Carter A. Hanson
The Relayers, Hannah Evans
The Role and Impact of the Environment in Saving Private Ryan, Bailey M. Ytterdahl and Paul C. Krakoviak
The Sarah Gudger Interview: An Analysis, McKenna C. White
The Solution to Plastic Pollution: A Dissection of the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, Nadine M. Snyder
The Source of the River Nile, Hallie S. Wilk
The Southwest Cemetery Church at Golemo Gradište, Village of Konjuh, Carolyn S. Snively
The Stolen Children: Their Stories: Aboriginal Child Removal Policy and Consequences, Peter U. Wildgruber
The Trump Doctrine: America First, Not American Exceptionalism, Katelyn Oglesby
The Unfinished Sermon: A Tribute to Rev. John Vannorsdall, Devin McKinney
The Warrior as Priest: Edmund Herring and the "Call to the People of Australia", Michael J. Birkner
The Weight of the Spring: "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" and the Fate of the Prague Spring, Thea J. Toocheck
Things I Can't Shake, Katelyn E. Oglesby
Three Dinner Conversation Starters in a Pandemic, Kate Delaney
To Kingpin, Abigail Minzer
Tuesday Night Jam Sessions in the Early 2000s, Hallie S. Wilk
Understanding Women’s Political Empowerment in a Globalized World, Jenna M. Thoretz
Up Next, Hannah Evans
Values-Based Communities of Practice in the Digital Humanities, R.C. Miessler
Verdad y responsabilidad: los ejes nuevos de la memoria en el cine contemporáneo de Guatemala, Grace Bushway
Visual Weimar: The Iconography of Social and Political Identities, Kerry Wallach
“Where’s the Triangle?” Strategies for Managing Percussionists and Percussion Instruments Part 1: Managing the Percussion Inventory, Russell G. McCutcheon
“Where’s the Triangle?” Strategies for Managing Percussionists and Percussion Instruments Part 2: Determining Percussion Needs and Assigning Parts, Russell G. McCutcheon
“Where’s the Triangle?” Strategies for Managing Percussionists and Percussion Instruments Part 3: Setting up the Percussion Section, Russell G. McCutcheon
Women against "Women's Rights": Pro-Life Women, Jenna L. Vadinsky
Women’s Advocate or Racist Hypocrite: Gertrud Scholtz-Klink and the Contradictions of Women in Nazi Ideology, Mary C. S. Frasier